Chapter 64: Broken System

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Fuming with steam, Lain and Mallix paced back and forth in their living room letting their thoughts run wild in their head.

"What just happened?!" Lain finally spewed out.

Mallix stoped pacing as he held onto his head. "We just saw Kaila with a fucking black eye! And those assholes who were over there didn't think anything of it!" He vented out.

"What're we going to do?! That man threatened to shoot us already, who's to say he won't actually do that the next time we show up there?!"

"Oh we're going back alright!" Mallix said with more determination than ever before. "Threat or not, Kaila's not being treated right there and I won't have her living in those conditions! I mean did you see how small she was again Lain?! It's only been two weeks and she looks even worst than when we first met her?!" His voice cracked.

"Of course I saw that! I don't like the idea of Kaila being trapped there for any longer either but I don't know what to do!" She paused for a moment to think. "We need to bring this to the police. Surely they can do something about this."

Mallix nodded instantly pulling out his phone to dial the local police departments number. Hearing it ring only once the operator was quick to pick up.

Before they were even able to get through their opening line, Mallix was already running through the entirety of the situation.

Lain was pacing as she bit the edge of her fingernails nervously waiting for news of what was going to come out of the call.

"What?!" Mallix yelled. Lain froze hearing Mallix growing more irritated at the operator by the minute. By the tone of his voice, it was clear something was up.

Before Lain even had a chance to process what was happening over the call, Mallix shouted one last time as he threw his phone across the room. Smashing into the wall upon impact.

Glass shattered everywhere as he ran his hands through his hair. He was sweating from how hot he had become. "What happened?!" Lain shouted at him.

"The guy said that if we can't prove a crime happened, then they can't help us!"

"What about Kaila's black eye?! And the fact that she's being starved?! Isn't that proof enough?! Did you even tell him about them?!"

"They were one of the first things I told him!"

"Then why can't he help us?!"

"Because he asked me if I had any video evidence of them hurting Kaila, and when I told him I didn't, he cut me off and said the police will do us no good at that point! The best he can do is put us on a waiting list for someone to investigate the house!"

Lain took a breathe trying not to let this overwhelm her. "Well how long is that waiting list then?"

"He said we'll have to wait about a month until someone's free!"

"A month?!" Lain ceased her breathing as the situation took over. "How are we suppose to just sit here for a month for someone to show up and help our girl! Who knows what'll have happened by then!"

"I don't know babe!" Mallix threw his fist against the wall cracking open his skin. Getting fresh blood on top of their walls, Mallix shouted in pain as they both heard the sound of his knuckles breaking.

Gasping, Lain approached him and looked at his hand now covering itself in his own blood. "We've got to get you to the emergency room babe."

"I don't need it. Right now we need to focus on thinking of another way to get Kaila out of that home!"

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