Chapter 87: On My Mind

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As a new week began the couple were implementing their new safety plans with Kaila. Having already made arrangements with Nina, James, and Alex prior, everyone knew of their dilemma.

They each talked closely with their littles making sure they were all on board with the plan like everyone else, however, they made sure not to say anything about the accident that went down between Kaila and her father.

Standing in the parking lot Mallix was currently kneeled in front of Kaila helping her put her backpack on before holding her hands. "Be good for mommy today." He kissed the top of Kaila's nose before standing up and handing over her small hand to Lain.

Grabbing on tightly to her little girls hand, Lain smiled kissing her boyfriend. "We'll meet you guys out front in a little while." She told the boys before she left to practice with Nina and the other littles.

While Kaila was busy talking with Lain and Nina, her three friends were all standing a few feet behind them as they mumbled about something to themselves extremely quietly.

Waving as she looked back, Kaila giggled happily as Mallix made silly faces until she could no longer see him anymore. With Faye, Lauren, and Zander all at her side she was ready to tackle a new week for a change.

But as they walked through the halls already Kaila could noticed there was something odd about everyone else. While she was in the middle of a conversation with her three friends she noticed the others were paying more attention to her than normal. Even Nina, who was in between Lauren and Faye as she held their hands, kept glancing down at her.

She blushed at all the constant attention turning her gaze towards Lain for some clarification on what was going on. But as she did so, she realized that even Lain was being extra cautious today and Kaila just squeezed onto her grip tighter.

She noticed that even whilst someone else was talking, most of their eyes always made their way back to her. Thinking they were just intrigued by something behind her or by something around her Kaila simply brushed it off and went on with her morning.

As the four kids were put into the bleachers to watch Lain and Nina practice, Nina made sure to lean down towards the other three kids and discuss their previous matter with them softly. In the meantime, Lain kept Kaila occupied as she helped settle her little girl down in her seat and set a small snack up in her lap.

As the others all nodded with ease they were more than ready to be there for their friend. As they said their last goodbyes to one another for the time being Lain and Nina were caught off guard to hear their coach yelling for them from the pool.

"Ladies! Let's move it! Competitions are in three weeks and I want you as prepared as possible!" She shouted.

Lain was in the middle of a hug with Kaila as her coach said that. She rolled her eyes as she groaned not wanting to let her little girl go.

"Don't give me attitude Meridian! Don't forget this second chance I'm giving you!" She heard her coach shout out in response. 'How did she even see me?!'

She sighed as she released her tight hold on Kaila, as she joined Nina's side. "We'll be back soon. Don't be too much trouble now. We can still see you from down there." Nina warmed them.

All nodding their heads, they watched in silent as the two girls walked away.

While the friends were careful not to say anything specific about what happened to Kaila, the other three kids all awkwardly wiggled in place not knowing what exactly to say. They fiddled with their fingers and played with the tips of their hair as Kaila stared awkwardly back at them.

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