Chapter 28: Playful

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"Wake up Kaila." The small girl could hear someone saying softly. She felt the soothing feeling of a hand rubbing up and down her arm as they encouraged her to wake.

Kaila grumbled keeping her eyes shut. She was too tired to move. She had played and laughed so much yesterday that her entire body needed to recover from the amount of energy she exerted.

Taking a deep breathe the presence beside her said softly. "We've got to get to practice baby. Can you open those pretty eyes for me?" They brushed some of her stray hairs out of her face.

Her eyes blinked open hearing the new nickname. The small girl thought she had dreamt up that moment with Mallix. But hearing it out loud again made her heart race.

"There she is." As the blur came into view Kaila could see Lain, already in her swim attire for the day, sitting on the bed besides her. "Someone slept well last night." She chuckled seeing the indents on Kaila's face from where it was laid on her arm.

"Shall we go get you ready for school today?" Lain stood throwing the warm blanket off Kaila, hearing the small girl whine as the chilling morning air hit her skin.

"No! Too tired." She complained reaching for the blanket now by her feet and hid under it.

"Oh my gosh! Where's the baby gone?!" She heard Lain say concerned from outside the blanket.

Kaila couldn't help but giggle. 'What is she doing?' She didn't know what was going on today, this wasn't how the couple typically treated her.

But she wasn't opposed to the idea of this either. Giving in she threw the blanket off her head seeing Lain wandering around the front of her bed, looking lost.

"There she is!" Lain ran over to her celebrating her return.

Giggling even harder Kaila threw the blanket back over top her face hearing Lain gasp. "What just happened? I swear my baby just disappeared."

The name had caused Kaila to smile while she peaked back out seeing Lain had her arms wide open near the door. "I found her!" She waved the small girl over forcing her out of bed.

As soon as Kaila fell into her trap Lain lifted her up and onto her hip. Kaila instantly blushed squirming to be let down. "Calm down Kaila. You're safe." Lain ensured while bouncing her gently.

She waited until Kaila was content and resting her head against her shoulder before beginning to carrying the girl to the bathroom.

Kaila didn't even know what to say. She felt her cheeks become red but the sweet lavender scent coming off the tall brunette was soothing.

"Alright wash up. We're leaving in thirty minutes. I'll grab you one of my uniforms to wear." She set Kaila down before leaving momentarily returning with a fresh uniform in her hands. "I'm going to help Mallix finish up with breakfast. Come join us when your done." She instructed before shutting the door.

After Kaila's entire morning routine she checked herself out in the mirror seeing how much of Lain's uniform dragged off her tiny figure. She was drowning in fabric.

Joining the couple in the kitchen, Kaila saw them sitting at the table drinking tall protein shakes with a single waffle in front of them. Between them was a plate full of leftover chicken and some fruit.

"Good morning." Mallix smiled seeming more happy than usual.

"Morning." Kaila pulled her chair out finding Elie had been placed there waiting for her. Grabbing the toy happily she set it in her lap. The small girl was partially distracted while she sat shaking the elephant.

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