Chapter 77: The Flat Mountain

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With their day running as slow as normal, Mallix and Lain found themselves waiting for Kaila at their lunch table. In fact they were waiting for everyone. They were the first to make it out. As Mallix grabbed their lunches out of his bag, Lain had reached into hers and pulled out an entire stack of papers.

"Um...babe?" Mallix looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


"The papers." He said still surprised to see a stack nearly as tall as his hand sitting in front of his girlfriend.

She groaned looking back at them. "It's all the work I've missed and what I need to do for extra points." She said frustratedly pulling her hair in front of her face. "I was going to try and count them, but forget it. I have to get all of these done within the next week for my teachers to count them, otherwise coach said I'm benched for the entire rest of the season."

"So you got that talk with your coach too?" He said.

"There was too much yelling for it to be considered a talk. But yeah. And now I don't know how on earth I'm going to get all of this done in time." She threw her head into her hands.

Putting his arm around her waist, Mallix pulled her in close to his side. "You've got this babe. I'll help." He gave her a sympathetic smile.

"I don't even know if that's going to be enough. I should just take my punishment now. There's no way we're gonna be able to finish it all in time."

Holding on gently to her chin, Mallix guided her face out of her hands. Brushing her hair behind her ear he looked deep into her crystal eyes. "You're not giving up that easy Lain. We're going to get through this, even if we have to stay up all night long for the next week. But we're going to get this stack done. You deserve a chance to play at competitions. It was all you ever wanted besides Kaila."

She took a breathe shutting her eyes against his shoulder. "Thanks Mallix."

He smiled leaning down to kiss her lips. "But do me a favor." She looked back up at him waiting. "Put that monstrous stack away. It's already bad enough we've got to do it later. I don't want to be looking at it longer than I already have to." She cracked a smile as a small giggle came out.

Mallix couldn't help but smile himself seeing Lain happy again. As the papers disappeared back into her bag, slowly the others all came filing out.

Nina and James came walking hand in hand, while Kaila and Faye were already deep into a conversation with Lauren just slightly behind them. The girl had been slowly moving closer to Nina's side.

Seeing this, Nina chuckled and pulled the girl close. Even from behind her hair, Nina could hear Lauren sigh contently as her hand fit into Nina's.

"Look what I did!" Kaila bounced holding out a paper with a doodle scribbled out on it towards the couple.

"That's beautiful precious." Mallix praised grabbing it from her hands. "I'm going to put it on the fridge when we get home."

Kaila bounced even more as she sat besides him with Faye on the other side of her, while on the other half of the table, Nina sat Lauren between her and James.

"What took you guys so long?" Lain asked.

"Sorry." She heard Lauren mumble softly in her seat.

Looking to Nina for clarification, the tall beauty leaned closer to Lain. "She needed to use the bathroom before we got here."

Nodding her head now, Lain decided not to poke around any further.

"What're you guys doing this weekend?" Nina asked the couple.

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