Chapter 49: Babysitter

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Today was a real test for the group of five. Given their late night yesterday, all three kids were refusing to wake up this early Thrusday morning.

At first everyone was approaching the situation calmly understanding their little ones feelings, but as an hour had already passed and they were fighting to get out the door on time their approached drastically changed.

"Kaila I mean it, stop whining and get into the bathroom." Mallix stood above the crying girl throwing a mini tantrum on the floor of her nursery.

"No!" She shouted at him. Mallix groaned rubbing his temples as Lain walked in clearly already exhausted.

"Babe, go take a break I'll deal with this." She felt a headache kicking in as the loud sound of three crying kids echoed throughout the entire house.

Sighing Mallix nodded as he walked out tiredly. "Kaila, lets go get ready for school." Lain bent down trying to lift the crying girl up.

"No mommy! Stay and sleep!" She fussed wailing her arms around making it near to impossible for the tall girl to grab hold of her.

"Baby I know you want to sleep but we've got to leave soon for practice. You can sleep in the car and while we're there." She tried to assure.

"Sleep now!" Kaila sobbed jumping up off the floor and attempting to climb back into her crib that Mallix had rudely taken her out of this morning.

Taking a breathe Lain had an idea. "Alright fine. Then at least let me help you into your crib before you hurt yourself." She walked over grabbing Kaila with ease.

The girl hadn't retaliated, but as soon as Lain started to walk away from her crib and out into the hallway Kaila realized Lain's lie. "Down!" She screamed into her ear.

"Kaila! Enough!" She scolded firmly as her ear rang with pain. The girl on her hip still trying to wiggle away quietly.

As soon as she got Kaila into the bathroom Lain set the girl on the countertop. "Kaila look at me." Her voice held no mercy. As the sleepy girl looked up with her red eyes Lain looked sternly at her. "What you did in the hallway was not acceptable. You do not yell into mommy's ear, that hurts and isn't nice."

Seeing the remorse brewing on Kaila face, Lain instantly felt a rush of guilt. Bringing her girl in for a comforting hug she kissed Kaila's nose before looking into her eyes. "Mommy knows you're tired baby, but that's no excuse to act up. Zander and Faye are upset too that they had to wake up, but at least they're ready for school. We're all waiting for you. Now can you be a good girl and wash up for me?"

Wiping tears from her cheeks Kaila nodded. "Alright, I'm going to go finish packing our bags and getting lunch packed. Meet us in the living room when your done." Lain instructed as she left the room shutting the door behind her.

Not wasting another second Kaila got to work. After about twenty minutes she rushed out into the living room seeing Zander slumped on the couch asleep on Alex's lap, and Faye laying down on Nina's lap with her eyes shut.

"Good morning." Nina opened her arm for Kaila to snuggle besides her while Lain and Mallix were busy getting their things packed.

Kaila grumbled a response as she nestled her head into the tall beauty's side. Her heavy eyes already beginning to fall back down, but not wanting to get in trouble again she struggled and fought to keep them open.

Nina chuckled lightly to herself. "It's alright Kay. You can go back to sleep now." She caressed the girls arm lulling her over the edge. With all three kids finally back asleep now in their uniforms the house was back to its peacefully quiet mood.

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