Chapter 51: Family Issues

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As the small family set their bags down, Kaila was swept off her feet as Lain picked her up. Feeling the full intensity of Kaila's body nervously shaking against her chest, Lain tried to soothe her as she bounced the girl.

"Why don't I get you a bottle and then we can have a talk?" Lain kissed Kaila's nose as the little girl nodded burying her face into Lain's neck.

While the girls were busy in the kitchen, Mallix had walked off towards the movie room where he had Aladdin ready to go. Lain had managed to alert him of Kaila's tense condition on the way back from school, and he knew that of all things Aladdin with Elie and her blanket would calm the poor girl down.

With the teat of the bottle already between Kaila's lips, Lain carried Kaila to the movie room where they saw Mallix sitting comfortably under the red blanket patting the spot besides him.

Lain took a seat as she readjusted Kaila so she was laying across both of their laps. Keeping her head supported, Lain fed the girl the rest of her bottle while Mallix hit play on the movie and handed the girl her elephant.

They were relieved to see how content Kaila seemed in the moment. Not wanting to make things worst the couple took a look at one another allowing the girl to enjoy her movie and relax before talking to her.

So that's exactly what they did. Letting the final scene come to a close Kaila giggled as she clapped her tiny hands together. She loved the movie in its entirety, but its endings was always her favorite part.

Shutting the big screen off, Lain sat Kaila up in her lap so she was straddling the tall girl. Naturally Kaila tried to lay her head down on Lain's chest, but she whined feeling her head being brought back up.

"How're you doing sweetheart?" Mallix cooed taking her attention.

"I good." She smiled. "Can I play outside?" She bounced in Lain's lap wanting to go back on the fun equipment.

"In a minute honey. Remember, daddy and I needed to talk to you about something first." Lain tucked the hair in front of Kaila's face behind her ear, getting a better view of the girl.

Seeing a frown appear on her face Mallix sighed. "It'll only take a few minutes precious." He tried to appeal the idea to her but it was pointless. "If you're good the entire time maybe we can go get some ice cream afterwards." He bribed finally seeing some progress as her frown disappeared and she looked at him with wide excited eyes.

"ICE CREAM!" Kaila cracked a smile wanting eagerly to get the tasty treat. It was rare for her to receive the sweet dessert with her parents, and upon hearing that she may get some today was more than enough to persuade her. "Deal! Ask away."

The couple chuckled taking note of the girls love for ice cream. "Do you remember what we said this talk was going to be about?" Lain asked.

Kaila nodded looking down blushing. "My parents..."

"Good. We're just curious about some things baby, nothing for you to worry about." The tall girl assured as Kaila clenched Elie tightly in her grip waiting for them to throw the first question her way.

"We know you don't talk about them much, but from a few things we've noticed with you we're just concerned. Like why they haven't once tried to contact you since you've moved in with us? And how you haven't tried amost every type of food that's in existence."

"I have tried a lot." Kaila said softly trying to defend herself.

"Yeah you have tried a lot of new foods, with us. And when we first saw you, you were just so tiny. I'm glad we were able to get you at a healthier weight, but we're just worried." Lain told her seriously.

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