Chapter 57: A Little Birdie

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As the friends all walked through the house doors, all three of the little ones ran out into the backyard to play with the equipment.

Meanwhile, the remaining four friends all sat down in the living room to have an interesting chat. Mallix sat back as Lain explained to both Nina and Alex of her suspicion.

"You really think the rumor was true?" Nina asked her.

"It's got to be. This isn't just something Lauren would just spew out one day. Someone had to have told her about us." Lain was persistent.

"Well then who do you think it was?" Alex sat with his elbows to his knees thinking hard over the culprit.

Sighing Lain sat back against Mallix's side as she shrugged. "I don't know. Anybody."

"It doesn't help that everyone usual keeps an eye on you guys anyways."

"Thanks for reminding me N." The tall girl rubbed her eyes frustrated at the situation as Mallix wrapped his arm around her neck holding her close to him.

"Let's not over complicate things now." Mallix stated rubbing Lain's arm as he felt her tense up more. "If anyone saw us at school they wouldn't know what was happening."

"Are you sure about that M?" Alex raised his finger up. The group all looked at him confused. "Come on guys, it's not like we stop caring for the kids when we're at school. We still hold them and talk to them the same way we do here. If anybody overheard us or saw us at the wrong time they would know."

The three friends all wanted to facepalm themselves for forgetting.

"Look all I'm saying is that there's an entire school of people who could know. How are we suppose to pinpoint the perpetrator?" Alex said.

There was silence amongst them as nobody knew an answer. That was until Nina noticed something off putting. "Lauren said it was a rumor, right?"

The others simultaneously nodded.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I didn't hear anything like this going around school. And I always know about the gossip going through the halls."

"What are you getting at N?" Mallix asked trying to follow along.

"What I'm saying is that the only people who would know about us would be apart of Lauren's circle." They all looked baffled as her point made sense. "We all know Lauren doesn't talk to anyone besides Alia and Rose..."

"Not to mention us." Mallix rolled his eyes as he added in his own statement of displeasure.

"Right." Nina continued on. "And we all know that the entire school doesn't like her. Nobody tells her anything because they know she'll rat them out. So..."

"So that means the only ones who could've known to begin with are either Lauren or her girls?" Lain sat up with bright eyes as Nina nodded in agreement.

"Nice thinking N. Three girls is a lot easier to think between than an entire school." Alex chuckled from besides her.

"Why thank you." She stood and bowed as if to an applauding audience as a large smile appeared on her face before taking her seat again.

Everyone chuckled at her until the same question dawned in each of their mind. Which of the three girls had been eavesdropping on them and caught on to their choice of lifestyle?

As the gears in their brain were on high power, something hit Mallix as his eyes widened. He gulped nervously before opening his mouth.

"Well...there is one more person who it could be." His voice was slow and shaky. The other three pairs of eyes all fell on him curious. "Faye." He said simply before Nina came to her defense.

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