Chapter 34: Fresh Start

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Two weeks had passed since the girls incident with Lauren in the hallway.

Lain and Mallix had been at home with Kaila getting used to their new lives together and they couldn't have been happier.

Kaila was getting along great with her new life. After some struggle the couple had gotten Kaila on a healthy routine with plenty of fun in between.

Not only had their bond grown but they could tell by Kaila's newfound confidence that she was more than comfortable with them.

Now as a new day broke it was finally time for the trio to return back to school.

The three of them were sitting at the table eating breakfast. Slowly the couple were introducing Kaila to a new variety of food.

"But I don't like it! It looks icky!" Kaila protested hitting her fists against the table. She looked disgusted at the green mush that sat in front of her.

"Kaila you ate your pancakes already, now you can eat your broccoli." Mallix said calmly continuing to eat his food.

"No I want more pancakes!" Her legs were kicking under the table.

"There are no more pancakes honey. Look at the little trees on your plate." Lain tried a new approach pointing to the pile of broccoli on one of Kaila's new plates with animals prints on them.

Grabbing one off of her own plate Lain made monster noises as she dropped the tree into her mouth. She aggressively chewed it, "take...that...tree." She playfully said in between bites.

Kaila giggled seeing how funny Lain looked. "Come on and eat your trees now." Lain encouraged as she finished her food.

"Rawr!" Kaila nodded grabbing one of the smallest bits and putting it into her mouth. She made silly noises as she chewed forgetting about the awful taste it left in her mouth.

"That's it!" Lain laughed as Kaila continued to eat the rest of her food that way.

As soon as her plate was empty Mallix smiled at her, "good job precious. Why don't you go run along and finish packing your bag while Lain and I clean up?" They both watched as the small girl didn't need to be told twice as ran off towards her room.

Grabbing the dirty dishes off the table Mallix looked at Lain with a smirk. "Little trees?" He chuckled.

"What? How else would you have proposed we get her to eat her broccoli? You know we've been struggling to get her to eat anything green. At least this one is a win." She shrugged.

"You're right. Hopefully this means we can give spinach a try again tonight." He walked to the sink starting to wash their dishes.

"Don't you remember? It's Friday." Lain turned asking him as she cleaned the table from crumbs.

"And...?" He looked lost.

"And we promised Kaila we'd take her out after school to look for some new things at the mall. I swear we only made these plans a few days ago babe. Your memory span worries me sometimes." She laughed as he rolled her eyes at her.

Putting the final plate onto the dish rack he walked over to her with a playfully scary look. "What are you doing?!" She giggled backing away from him.

"Nothing..." he crept closer as his devilish smirk grew. Before Lain could back away far enough Mallix pounced lifting her off the ground tickling her sides.

Lain couldn't help but laugh loudly. But he wasn't going to win that easily. She fought back enough that he dropped her back onto her feet. Once she was back in control of her movements the couple were happily going at it with one another.

Nothing but a little friendly competition.

They laughed so hard their stomachs were beginning to ache from their breakfast that was still being digested.

As they calmed down clinging on tightly to one another Kaila came running out of her room dragging her backpack behind her and Elie held tightly in her grip. "I got everything!" She bounced.

"Are you sure about that?" Lain asked still with a hint of laughter in her voice.

Kaila nodded confident that she was ready for the day.

"Then where's your uniform?" Immediately Kaila's eyes popped as she looked down seeing her footed pajamas still on.

"Oops." She giggled running back into her room for a quick change leaving her bag on the floor.

The couple shook their heads content with their girl. "I'm going to go check if she needs help." Lain pulled out of their hug only for Mallix to pull her closer and place a passionate kiss on her lips.

"Now you can go." He spun her around as he let her hand go. She smirked hitting his shoulder softly as she walked towards Kaila's room while he got their bags quickly packed.

"How's everything going in here?" She asked standing in the doorway seeing Kaila sitting on the floor with her skirt on backwards and her shirt still untucked while she attempted to tie her shoe that was currently on the wrong foot with her toy elephant besides her.

Lain laughed stepping in and kneeling in front of her. "Let me help you." She grabbed the laces from Kaila and helped settle her shoes correctly before tucking her shirt in. "Look at you! So beautiful!" Lain celebrated as she lifted Kaila up onto her hip.

Kaila blushed. The couple had recently started calling the small girl out for her looks and she felt butterflies in her stomach every time.

As Lain went to walk out of the room Kaila jumped in place. "No! Elie!" She held her arms out towards the stuffed toy still on the floor.

"Baby why don't we leave Elie home today? I'm sure she'll miss all her friends if we take her." Lain tried to persuade the small girl worried of having a repeat with Lauren.

"But she keeps me company."

"What about Mallix and I?"

"Eh..." Kaila shrugged laughing as Lain's face dropped. "I'm joking! I love when you guys keep me company too."

"Well we love you." Lain kissed Kaila's forehead causing the girl to giggle. "What if we leave Elie in your bag today. That way she can still be with you."

"Hmm. Can I bring her out at lunch?"

"Fine. Lunch only then and you've got yourself a deal." Lain grabbed the toy off the floor and handed it to the small girl who snatched it quickly bringing it to her chest.

She squealed rubbing her face against Elie's soft fur shaking her to hear the little rattle noise from within.

Nestling her face in Lain's neck, Kaila hid away with Elie. "We're all ready." Lain walked out seeing Mallix standing by their front door with their bags in hand.

He looked at Lain with a raised eyebrow as soon as he saw Elie with them. "She promised she'll only take her out at lunch." Lain assured.

After the incident with Lauren, both Mallix and Lain were worried about Kaila bringing Elie to school. They preferred the toy stay at home for their baby's sake but how could Lain turn Kaila down when she was so cute and irresistible.

"Now do you remember our discussion from yesterday Kaila?" Mallix brushed some of her hair out of her face as he lifted her chin.

She nodded still interested mainly in Elie. "Then what did we talk about?" He asked with his hands on his hips.

"To always hold your hands and to always eat all my lunch." She said without even needing to think after the amount of times she had to practice saying it with them yesterday.

"What are you forgetting?"

"Don't leave the school without telling you where I'm going first." She repeated turning to look at him.

"Such a clever girl." He smiled pecking her head as he grabbed their bags and the three of them walked out to his car.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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