Chapter 70: Exposed

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As the two girls left the room, they walked off towards the kitchen where the boys were making themselves a quick meal. Having already fed the kids beforehand, it was now their turn to eat.

The girls approached them still giggling lightly. Meanwhile, the boys were caught up in their own discussion to even notice it.

The girls could see Mallix eyeing the food down as Alex spoke. His stare was so tense it seemed like it would be able to slice through the pieces of chicken. Not to mention the fire was growing hotter by the moment as the outer skin of the chicken began to char badly.

"Babe!" Lain shouted just loud enough to snap him out of his head. "You're burning the food." She pointed out as he was quick to turn the fire off.

"Sorry." He grumbled through his teeth. Tossing the wasted chicken into the garbage bin.

"What was that all about?" Lain asked as they were now all standing in the kitchen.

"I was just explaining to Mallix what happened earlier." Just as Alex said that Nina looked up at him surprised. She hadn't expected them to dive into that conversation so soon.

"Well what happened?" Lain asked wanting to be let in on the adventure.

Before Alex could even run her through a quick summary of the main points, Mallix slammed the pan into the sink as he whipped around with a look Lain recognized all too well. His rage.

"They were going to sell her for money!" He blurted with no context.

As any sane person would react, Lain's jaw dropped as her face looked at him in disbelief. She waited for a second just to see if he would confess it as a lie, but from how hard his shoulders bounced from heavy breathes, she knew it was the truth.


Seeing confusion and anger already building on her face, Alex and Nina were ready to assist in providing the details.

"What do you mean they were going to sell her for money?! How can people be that sick and twisted?!"

"It's easy when your desperate." Alex mumbled softly before continuing to explain the rest of the situation, with the occasional help from Nina with the more minor details.

"They were going to make the deal tonight!" Lain shouted as her friends finally got to the end of the story. "Thank god you guys were there!" She held on tightly to a nearby towel as she sighed out in relief.

"No kidding. That's too close for comfort." Mallix said. "If you two hadn't gotten Kay out of there in time, who knows what would've happened." His rage filled voice was softer and more calm as he looked to his friends grateful for their help.

"I-I don't know how to thank you guys for everything." Mallix told his friends sincerely.

"Well..." Nina looked at him blinking her eyelashes, "you can always hand over your card and keys and I can be on my way to the mall. You know, now that Kaila's parents are out of the way. I think it's only fair."

Chuckling, Mallix didn't even need a moment to think as he grabbed his wallet and fished for his card before handing it to her. "Go crazy." He said.

"Really?" Nina looked at the card in her hands with disbelief before quietly cheering as she celebrated. "I know what I'm doing this weekend!" She chuckled putting the card away in her pocket.

Meanwhile, Lain looked to Alex with a smile. "If you ever find a car you like, just say the word and it's yours." She reminded him of his end of the bargain to which he graciously thanked her for.

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