Chapter 88: Teasing Scare

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Waiting underneath the willow tree Mallix, James, and Alex all spoke to one another about everything going on. Not only was competition putting pressure on the five friends, but with the news of Kaila's father spreading like wildfire throughout the school it was only a matter of time before things got out of hand.

As the four kids raced over to the others Mallix was knocked back as Kaila came crashing into him. "Hey there." He chuckled hugging her back. "You seem to be in a chipper mood today." Leaning closer he smiled. "What'd mommy promise you to make you this happy?"

"Nice to know that you think I had to promise her something to make her happy." Lain walked with her arms crossed over to them.

Mallix chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey babe."

"Hey yourself. Unlike you Mallix, I don't have to bribe Kaila for her to behave." She reminded as Kaila thought back to her ice cream she never got to have at the mall.

Giggling as Mallix got in trouble the tall boy besides her looked down playfully at her. "Keep your laughing up and I'll remember that for the next time you want something." He raised his eyebrow silencing her giggles.

"That's what I thought."

"Mama, can Kaila and Zander come over?" The small family heard Faye ask Nina.

After talking for so long about their new rooms, they were eagerly waiting to put them on display.

Rather than answering herself, Nina looked towards the others who would be able answer that better than she could.

Alex looked down at Zander seeing him with a wide smile jumping in place as he pleaded to be able to go. "If Nina's okay with it then I don't see a problem with letting you go to have some fun." Alex said ruffling his hair.

Zander turned back looking at Nina expectantly. "Of course your welcome to my house anytime Z. You know that."

"Yes!" The little boy cheered pumping his fist.

Nina smiled before turning to see the others. "What about you guys?"

"I don't know Kaila was just laughing at me because of how easily I let her get her way. Maybe if I say no she'll be better behaved for me." Mallix teased as Kaila whined.

"Daddy no! I wanna go! I wanna go!" She whined pulling on his arm.

"Then I think someone owes me an apology." He playfully yanked his arm away from her with a frown of his own. Crossing his arms he turned away from Kaila.

Following his body she wrapped her arms as tight as she could around his waist. Standing on her tippy toes she kissed his cheek a repeated amount of times.

"Now can I?" She was bouncing as she let him go.

"I don't know. Babe, what do you think?" He continued looking towards Lain with a raised eyebrow.

She chuckled before leaning down towards Kaila. "If I get some of those nice cuddles and kisses too, then you can go."

Without any hesitation Kaila smashed into Lain doing the same process to her as she did to Mallix.

"Alright you can go over to Aunty Nina's house." Lain stood upright as the four kids all grouped together on the side to celebrate their joy.

"What about me?" James chuckled as he stood by Nina's side.

"What about you James?" Alex asked him.

"It's my house too you know."

"Yeah well it was mines first." Nina turned towards him teasingly as she stuck her tongue out at him.

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