Chapter 55: Civil...Yeah Right

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Spending the remainder of their weekend relaxing and taking time to collect themselves, the small family eventually found themselves back at another week of practice.

Kaila and Faye were sitting together on the bleachers watching a short movie Lain had downloaded onto her phone while they waited for the two girls to finish up with swim practice.

Once their movie ended, the two girls laughed and talked before seeing Nina and Lain walking over to them with towels around their necks. "Alright girls, let's get going." Nina told them as she threw her backpack over her shoulder.

Nodding the two small girls scrambled out of their seats, grabbing their backpacks. Lain had taken hold of Kaila's hand, as Nina did with Faye, before they all headed out towards their typical rendezvous point at the front of the school.

Meeting back up with the boys, Kaila and Faye were quick to catch up with Zander. The three friends had been growing closer to one another as the days go by.

While the kids all giggled and laughed in their own tight corner. The remaining five friends couldn't have been more tense. With Nina besides Lain and Mallix, James had his arms crossed looking down the entire time.

From across the school yard they caught sight of Lauren, for the first time in forever, with her girls. They were all looking over at the group of friends laughing amongst themselves. Mallix felt his fist clenching at the sight.

Having filled in Alex and Zander about the Colden's newest partnership with the Fendly's, the lean boy was quick to put his hand on Mallix's shoulder. "Don't let it get to you already M."

"How can I not?!" He swiped Alex's hand off of him. "It's barely been a week and she's already talking about us again."

"We don't know that for sure." Alex said optimistically but his face said otherwise. He knew he had no chance in defending the girl. Her actions spoke louder than anyone's words.

"Remember what we discussed. As long as it's all bark and no bite we aren't going to do anything." Nina reminded.

Grabbing his hand, Lain looked at Mallix with hope. "You said you'd give this a try."

Grunting out he exhaled. "Fine."

Back with the kids, everyone took them for granted. Believing they were planning another innocent adventure together, the group were oblivious to their own serious conversation.

"What's going on between N and James?" Zander asked Faye noticing the distance between them and salty looks they'd exchanged.

The small girl shrugged looking back at Nina with sad eyes. "They haven't been talking since the event. I've been at Nina's place all weekend and James hasn't been around at all. He said he had to help his dad again with stuff for their company."

"Again?" Kaila asked.

"Yeah, Nina's been saying it's because of all the new projects they have going on with the partnership and all." The small girl looked towards Zander wanting to switch the topic up. "How's it been with you and Alex?"

"We're good. We've been taking things slow but everything's been nice. He even got me a few new toys of my own so I don't have to steal the ones from your place all the time Kay." He laughed seeing her confused expression.

"I'm joking. I haven't actually stolen any. M just gives me some occasionally to take." He chuckled when Kaila proceeded to freak out.

"Which ones did you take?!"

"Calm down, he gives me the ones you don't play with or aren't interested in."

"So Elie's still in my room then?"

Salvia High SchoolOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora