Chapter 60: Locked In

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After one of the roughest night of the young couples lives, Mallix groaned as his phone rang loudly into his ear.

Irritated he smashed it off his bedside table causing it to fall onto the floor silencing the call. Once it was silent, he rolled over spooning Lain from behind. As he got comfortable once again and his puffy eyes began to close—his phone rang.

Twisting over he yanked his phone off the floor glaring at the name on the screen. 'Dad.' He silently read to himself. Rolling his eyes he sat up trying to compose himself.

Upon the fifth ring he finally answered the call and put his phone to his ear.

"Where are you?!" Were the first words that were shouted from the other end. Rubbing his eyes he clenched his fist as he calmly replied.

"At home."

"Well get your ass up! I told you to be at the company!"

"And for what reason?"

"Don't sass me boy! May I remind you of your little scrimmage with the Fendly's girl!"

Mallix facepalmed. After last night everything else seemed to be a blur. His mind was wiped completely.

"Right." He said tiredly. "We'll be there in a few hours when we've all woken up."

"Not hours Mallix, you and your whole crew will be here in one."

"Dad that's not enough time!" Mallix looked over at a clock seeing it was barely nine in the morning. "Nobody's up at this time of day on a weekend!"

"Then wake them! Because I will be seeing you all in an hour!"

"But dad-" he tried to bargain but the line ended. All that filled his ear was the constant surges of static.

Flinging his phone onto his pillow angrily he turned to wake up Lain. Her face was stained from the amount of tears she shed last night.

"Hey babe." He shook her gently as he removed the blanket slowly from her body.

She groaned mumbling noises in response.

"We've got to leave soon for something."

"Later..." Lain's tired voice was not only soft and raspy but extremely croaky.

"Babe we've only got an hour. Dads going to kill us all if we don't show up for this meeting he wants us to attend."

"Why so early?" She complained turning around so she could lay her head into her boyfriends lap. "It would make more sense to do it later."

He ran his fingers through her hair as her heavy eyes stayed shut. "I know, but he sounded pretty pissed when I spoke to him about changing the time. So we'd better be there when he wants. Last I need is for him to be down my neck any longer than he needs to be."

Sighing Lain sat up with large dark circles under her eyes. "Alright." She stood slowly. Barely lifting her feet off the ground she walked into the bathroom to ready herself for the day.

Not that Mallix would blame her. Last night they lost the one thing they wanted most in life.

Their little girl.

Moving on like nothing happened seemed next to impossible.

Once alone he grabbed his phone from behind on his pillow and pulled up everyone's name in his contacts list. Giving them an unpleasant wake up call, he instructed them to be ready and meet up at his fathers company in less than an hour.

To say they were all annoyed would be an understatement. Nobody liked Mr. Colden, not even his own boys. And yet they were all smarter than to keep him waiting.

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