Chapter 44: Celebratory Evening

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Thankfully for the group school went by in a flash. Zander, Kaila, and Faye were all too focused on tonight to pay attention to anything else.

While most of the others were all too busy planning out their celebratory dinner. Tonight wasn't just any ordinary night. Today was their time to celebrate a person in their lives with the biggest heart.

Pulling up outside his house, the small family waited eagerly for Alex and Zander. After Mallix shot Alex a text the two boys were out in a matter of seconds. Both of them were wearing clean cut suits with matching ties.

"You guys look nice." Lain complimented from the passenger seat as they sat in the back with Kaila.

Alex buckled up in the window seat as he took a look at everyone else. Kaila had on a pastel blue dress with little flowers on it, no doubt Lain's choice, while Mallix wore a suit and Lain had on a plain black dress. "I could say the same about you guys."

"Thanks." Kaila giggled before her and Zander got sucked up into a conversation.

"Are they meeting us there?" Alex asked while Lain started playing more children's music knowing Kaila enjoyed the melodies.

"Yeah." Mallix started driving towards their mystery destination.

"Do you think N still doesn't know?" He asked too eager for his own good.

"I hope not. James said that she was curious about why we were all getting dressed up, but he said she didn't question it." Lain told him.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." Mallix chuckled as did everyone else.

After a short ride they pulled up to a restaurant tall enough to touch the twinkling sky. "Faye texted me that their almost here." Kaila alerted them as she felt her phone vibrate.

"Perfect, then let's go grab our seats before they arrive." Mallix turned the car off as everyone began to exit the car.

All heading in together they were greeted by a man in a suit. "Welcome to Amor Love, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes..." Mallix got into the details while Zander talked Kaila's ear off about all the food he was going to eat.

"Right this way sir." The man stepped out from behind the desk leading the group towards the rooftop—the most expensive reservation anyone could make given its total privacy and perfect view.

Special fairy lights dangled around a large single table that overlooked the entire city. Placing their menus down he stepped away allowing them to read over it.

As expected everyone took a seat next to their partners as they began checking the menu. Kaila felt much more at ease being in a more suited dress for the occasion, unlike her first choice months ago.

As they discussed their orders they heard the door to the rooftop open. Out came the remaining three members of their group. "Surprise!" They all shouted from the table as Nina stepped out first with her hands covering her gasping mouth.

"Happy birthday Nina!" They all stood to embrace the birthday girl.

"You guys are the best!" She felt tears building as she hugged each and everyone of them back.

"Happy birthday babe." James kissed her lips. A tear had slipped out of her eye as they pulled apart.

"Happy birthday!" Faye squealed getting her own personal hug.

"Thanks darling." She kissed the top of her head as they all walked back to their table.

"How did you guys even plan this?!" Nina looked at them confused as she sat down.

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