Chapter 103: Beautiful Day

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"Mallix!" Lain chased her boyfriend out of the gym doors after the winner was announced. But he didn't stop his trudging. "Babe stop!" She tried again grabbing onto his arm.

Using his arm to propel herself forwards, Lain got in front of Mallix putting her hands against his sweaty chest. "Babe calm down its okay." She told him.

"Okay?" He questioned upsettingly. "What part of this is okay?! We lost against Reabell! The entire team was staring at me like I was some alien or something! How do you expect me to be calm!" He exploded.

"It's only a game Mallix."

"Only a game?" He mocked. "It didn't seem like it was only a game to you when you were stressing over your match!"

She took her hands off of him slowly as she looked back at him with her eyebrow raised.

"It's so much more than a game!" He insisted as his aching voice raised. "It was my entire high school reputation on the line! Everyone in there, and everyone who is going to find out will know that I failed! I failed at being a good captain! I failed at being a good teammate! I failed! I'm nothing without my title!" He collapsed onto the empty hall floor holding his head in his hands.

She sighed taking a seat next to him. "You know that's not true."

"It is." He was persistent. "If you lost your heat you would be thinking the same thing too." He lifted his head as their eyes locked. Staring into his hurt filled orbs Lain reached down grabbing his hands in her own. Laying her head on his shoulder, she felt him breathe out heavily as he resting his head on top of her.

"I can't lie." She squeezed his hand tighter. "I probably would be mad the same way you are—if not more—if we lost." Mallix lifted his head up about to claim his win before she sat up too looking back at him. "But at least I know that I would've had you and Kaila by my side to get me through it."

He gulped as her hands rubbed up and down his arm.

"We're here for you babe. I'm here for you. You're so much more than a title." He looked down in disbelief.

"You're an amazing boyfriend, a fantastic daddy, and you're one of the most caring guys I know. Being captain wasn't going to last forever. We both knew that. We knew that once high school ended we were going to lose those titles anyways. But the others, you don't lost those. They're going to stick with you until the end of time."

"Daddy?" Their moment was broken as they heard the sound of their little girl waltzing out of the gym.

"Kaila, I told you to stay with Aunty Nina." Lain looked back surprised to see her. But the little girl ignored her as she proceeded to walk over to Mallix taking a seat in his lap. Before Lain could even try to stop her she was already snuggling up close to his chest hugging on tightly to his body.

"Hey baby." Mallix told her gently as he wrapped his arms around her.

Lain rolled her eyes in defeat before she ran her hand through her little girls hair. Seeing her leaning into her touch the small family cuddled close to one another for the time being.

Mallix breathed in the scent of the small girl in his lap relaxing him almost completely. As he turned towards his girlfriend he looked long into her eyes. Seeing the loving way she looked down at their girl made his heart flutter.

She turned her gaze up mouthing what seemed like an amalgamation of nonsense, the boy smiled. "I love you too." He mouthed back.

As they hid away from the massive crowd of people from the tournaments, they waited until there was no one left.

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