Chapter 3: Lunch

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Outside in the front yard of the school sat Kaila with a picnic table full of new faces. While Lain scarfed down her salad everyone else around the small girl introduced themselves.

Sitting on the other side of Lain was a boy with tan skin and bright blue eyes. If his red sports jersey and jeans were any indication, Kaila was able to put together he did sports too. His muscular arms stuck out of his sleeveless jersey as he waved her way. "I'm Mallix." Was all he said in a sweet deep voice before slyly moving to hide himself behind Lain as he whispered something into her ear to which she looked back at him nodding. The large smile he showed at her sent him back to his food occasionally looking back at the new addition to the table.

Sitting across from her sat a boy with light brown skin with the deepest of brown eyes. His ruffled hair and toned arms sticking out of his sports jersey made him seem wild. "I'm Alex." He spoke while extending his hand over the table. The shy girl shook his hand with a small smile.

"Really Alex? You shook her hand? Who even does that anymore?" Besides Alex was another boy but of a much smaller structure. Unlike the other boys who had shockingly strong frames for their age, he was merely average. His sun tanned skin and blue eyes matched with his shoulder length blond hair. Turning to look at Kaila, she could see his white polo shirt had not one but two small dark stains on his collar. "I'm Zander." He smiled.

"He's also not polite." Alex got in before taking a sip of his water bottle. Everyone around laughed at his remark, even Kaila who managed to get out a giggle. Zander on the other hand gave Alex a hard punch to the shoulder. Given their strength differences, Alex barely even felt it. Wanting revenge he went to give Zander a playful hit to the arm as a girl began approaching their table.

She had a beautiful mocha glow to her skin, her black curly hair bounced as she walked over to them. Similarly to Lain she wore red sweats and just a white shirt. "Alright knock it off you two. I swear you both act like children." She broke up their dispute and sat herself right in between them. Grabbing Zander's food from in front of her, she pushed it over to the small boy with a playfully irritated look. "Well hello." She said finally noticing Kaila's presence. "I'm Nina, what's your name?"

The shy girl waved quietly, her nerves began getting to her now that the table grew in occupants. "This is Kaila." Lain grumbled out from behind her mouthful of salad.

"Nice to meet you Kaila. I assume you've met everyone at the table." She grabbed her lunch from out of her backpack and set it in front of her while Kaila nodded.

"You don't talk much." Nina noted as she finally started eating.

"Leave her alone N, she's new. For all she knows we could be a threat." Lain came to her defense. "She also met Lauren."

"Oh man already." Zander nearly spat his mouthful of water.

"Whatever you do, don't listen to Lauren or her parade of girls. She just thinks that because her family donated money to the school she can go around picking fights however she pleases." Alex assured.

"He's right. But I'm telling you, I've taken Lauren for an airhead before and boy was I wrong." Zander rubbing his hand along his untouched stomach as if he had just been hit.

"Enough about Lauren already. Hopefully she won't have to deal with them anymore." Mallix wanted to change the topic quickly as to not scare their new addition.

"She won't have to M, because she's got us now. We've got your back cutie." Lain snickered seeing Kaila instantly drop her head as she blushed hard.

"Cutie?" Mallix sounded almost hurt.

"Yeah she's cute." Nina barged in making Kaila blush even more.

"Oh is someone getting jealous?" Lain cooed at Mallix. He raised his eyebrow as if daring her to try that again. She laughed side hugging him and pressing an innocent peck to his cheek. "Quit your worrying babe, it's just a nickname."

"Babe?" Kaila thought to herself with her head still hung down unaware she said it loud enough for the whole group to hear.

Lain chuckled lifting Kaila's chin up lightly looking at her with sweet eyes. "She talks!" She triumphantly pumped Kaila's hand into the air with her own.

Everyone laughed. "Don't let these lovebirds get you down. There's hundreds of other fish in the sea." Nina winked making Kaila blush professedly. Her face had never been more red in a matter of minutes.

"Alright...alright." Alex said finally taking deep breathes from how hard he was laughing. "Can we all just eat our lunches now? We've got to get back to class soon and I want to be able to eat today and not just be full off of laughter."

Nodding in agreement everyone slowly relaxed and turned their attention back to their meals. As they did so, Lain looked over seeing Kaila was merely staring at the container of fruits she pushed in front of her. "You know you can eat it." She whispered into Kaila's ear.

The shy girl turned to face her. She stuttered for a minute seeing how the girl in front of her made all her thoughts disappear. Struggling to find the right words Kaila finally paused and just shook her head. 'Why do you always have to stutter when your nervous?!' She whined to herself turning away to hide her embarrassment.

"How about this," Lain grabbed the container and took out half of its contents. "You eat that half and I'll have this. That way you're still eating something. You look like you haven't eaten in years." She joked coating her genuine concern. The poor girl really did look like she hadn't eaten in months.

However, Kaila continued staring long fully at the small container of fruits as she began thinking.

She was brought out of her terrifying memories when she felt a cold substance at her lips. When she came to it she saw Lain holding up one of the apple slices up to her lips. "Hurry and eat it we've got only a few minutes til the bell." Her voice was soft yet she was demanding. Meanwhile everyone else was too busy eating or in conversation to notice.

Nervously Kaila reached for Lain's hand, taking the apple slice from her. Biting off some of it she slowly began to chew. She never liked the way their crunch made her chewing echo in her head. She felt as if everyone would be able to hear the obnoxious noice too.

Continuing on with small bites at a time it wasn't long til the bell rang signally lunch was over. "Great now I've got to get to science. Wish me luck." Nina disappeared as did Alex and Zander.

"Want us to walk you to class?" Lain asked cleaning her spot at the table. She grabbed her container that sat in front of Kaila frowning when she noticed the small girl had only managed to eat three apple slices within the span of ten minutes.

"Won't you be late to your class?" Kaila hesitantly asked.

"That depends on what class you've got next."

Looking down at her schedule Kaila saw where she needed to go. "I have home economics with Mr. Gilmore next."

Lain smiled happily "this couldn't have been more perfect. We've got that too. Come on we'll show you the way." Her and Mallix walked hand in hand towards the school building waiting for Kaila at the set of double doors.

They shy girl looked at them and gulped. They looked perfect together. Every inch of them complimented the other and they seemed as if they already knew they were going to be together for life. Hurrying her legs when Lain waved for her to pick up her pace the three of them headed off to their next class.
Let me know what you think about the group. Thanks Lexx signing off

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