Chapter 96: Resistance

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"Who's excited for tonight?!" A man in a white and black striped shirt announced from the top of a small box elevated over the center of the large school pool.

As the crowd around the three girls began to get rowdy they couldn't help but absorb some of their high energy. Screaming and rooting with the crowd they awed as the lights dramatically dimmed as a spotlight illuminated at one end of the gym.

The man held the microphone closer to his mouth as a banner held up by cheerleaders stood in front of the doors the light shone upon. "It's great to see you all have such great energy, but I think there's something else you'd much rather be feeling!...And that feeling is the adrenaline you get from watching your favorite teams racing down tonight. Speaking of which let's introduce them, shall we?" He rhetorically asked giving the light fixture time to turn upon a set of double doors.

"All the way from the Reabell comes the Reabell High Swim Team!"

And right on cue high energy music pumped out into the crowd as girls all wearing blue and green swimsuits came running out through the banner, splitting it right down the center.

As one side of the bleachers cheered louder than the others, the whole line of girls stepped to the side as the lights dimmed on the banner, allowing a quick swap to occur with a new one.

Putting the light back on the man in stripes, the little girls watched as he looked at the crowd. "Now would you all direct your attention to the one and only...Creek and Hill High Swim Team!"

Again another roar emerged from specifically one spot in the crowd of people as a second group of girls wearing green and orange swimsuits all came bursting out of the banner.

As the crowd died and the light dimmed again allowing the final switch of banners, all the attention was on the announcer as he fixed the collar on his shirt creating suspense as he looked eagerly around the waiting crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to your reigning district swim champs, Salvia High Swim Team!"

Standing up out of their seats Faye, Kaila, and Lauren all cheered louder than those around them as they waved at Lain and Nina dashing into the gymnasium in their classic Salvia colors of red and black.

The girls on the floor smiled blowing kisses towards their girls as they regrouped, before sitting against the pool wall.

With all of her fancy makeup now removed, Lain held her hands behind her back as she stressed out over the competition at hand. But as she remembered Mallix's words more clearly her shoulders slowly relaxed.

While the coaches gave their teams one final miniature preptalk the crowds were screaming louder than the booming music.

While Kaila and Faye were busy waiting for Lain and Nina to hurry and compete already, Lauren couldn't help but whimper as she leaned closer into Faye's side.

But the girl besides her didn't pay her any attention. Instead, her excitement got the best of her as she instead nudged Lauren off of her to allow more movement as she cheered.

That only upset the little girl even more. She covered her ears as the music was overbearingly loud. Shutting her eyes as she held her hands tightly against her ears, she tried to block out of the loud noise.

And yet amidst all the chaos and thrill going on around them Lauren wasn't as happy as she originally was. Sure it was an experience getting to see Nina race out from the banner for the first time, but Lauren greatly underestimated the power of the level of music.

She whined as the music all of a sudden increased as the spotlights traveled around the room through the crowd. Shining the bright light over her made her upset even more as she sealed her eyes completely shut.

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