Chapter 11: Confrontation

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"Hey! Fendly!" Lain shouted halfway across a crowded field of students. None of which she cared about. All she wanted was to teach Lauren the lesson she should've done a few days ago.

"Hey Nessie." Lauren said with sass as she turned around from her group of friends looking at Lain with no remorse. By the way foam was nearly pouring out of Mallix's mouth, and the white knuckles from the entire group she could tell they got her message. "So I take it you guys didn't like my little fixes to Kaila. Shame and I thought she looked better this way." She said sarcastically before breaking out in laughter.

The three girls behind her, however, were visibly shaking. They wanted to get away from the vengeful group heading towards them but Lauren stood their ground.

"I swear I'm going to knock your teeth out!" Mallix cracked his knuckles before charging. He was only a foot away when Lauren held up her hands to either side of her face with her open palms facing him. He stopped as he watched her laugh harder at him the closer he got. "You think me hitting you with my fist is funny?" He growled.

"Hilarious," she sarcastically rolling her eyes before a devilish smirk grew from ear to ear. "No you see Mallix, what I do think is funny is how I can go to the security logs after this and watch how you all beat up a girl who had her hands up in defense. No retaliation. No resist. It hardly seems fair, four against one. I wonder what your coaches are going to think when I show them this clip? Or the principal for that matter? For all we know you guys will be kicked off the wrestling and swim team."

The group paused looking at Lauren. "So go ahead. Do your worst. But when our school loses its top athletes don't be complaining when I said I didn't warn you." She shut her eyes calmly accepting her fate.

Everyone looked to one another. They all wanted the same justice but they all feared the consequence. Well all except Lain who was still piping hot with rage. Pushing her way past Mallix and Alex she got right in Lauren's face slapping her to cloud nine. A deep red handprint was left behind.

The troubled girl shot her eyes open in sheer shock. Meanwhile the entire group could all be heard gasping. But Lain didn't care, she grabbed Lauren by the collar of her preppy uniform and slammed her back against the wall of the school.

Lain's voice was deep and vibrated through Lauren's ears. "You're really starting to get on my nerves Laur."

"You're going to pay for that! I'll make sure you're kicked off the swim team for sure!" She spat back trying to break free but she couldn't overcome Lain's strength. Looking to her friends for help they all immediately turned away from her.

"No I don't think so..." Lain seemed rather sure and confident in her stance. "You see if I'm kicked off the team with the big tournament against our rivals only a few months away, I wonder who everyone's going to point the finger to when we lose for the first time in a decade?"

"I'll show them the security footage! Everyone will side with me, Nessie! They'll all clearly see you attacking me!"

Lain couldn't help but chuckle lowly. "You think anyone is going to believe you're innocent. I don't know if you've noticed Lauren, but you are the snake of the school." She got right up in Lauren's face feeling her trembling. "Everyone knows what you do for fun. They know your personality. You're nothing. If you show them the footage they'll all know that you did something to deserve this. I can already see it now, the entire school against you for making us lose one of our biggest games this year." Lain was close enough to hear the loud gulp from the girl barely able to keep a straight face.

"Now you're going to stay far away from my group and I. That includes Kaila. If you even hurt a hair on her head again I'll come back and engrave that message in your head."

Pushing Lauren against the wall one final time, Lain let go of her collar roughly before paying Lauren's other cheek a visit. With another loud slap Lain turned away walking with a grin towards her friends.

She pushed past Lauren's friends still standing frozen as she walked by. Lain didn't hesitate to bump into every one of their shoulders harshly until she joined Mallix's side.

Looking back at her bidding, Lauren was still against the wall cupping her face with both hands as she cried angrily at the group. "Let's go." Lain grabbed Mallix's hand and strutted away.

He looked besides him in admiration. Every day that passed by he remembered a little more why he was head over heels for this girl. Proudly standing besides her, he let her take the lead. Both Nina and Alex couldn't wipe away their own shocked expressions yet. The entire situation had escalated quicker than they imagined.

The crowd that had built up around them was quiet. Nobody moved or said anything as the group of four walked by making their way inside the school.

Just as they made way for the nurses office, they found Zander and Kaila walking down a nearby hall.

"Are you guys alright?!" Zander asked seeing everyone looking a little bit off. He examined them all for any battle wound. When he found none he felt his heart settle.

"Yeah we're fine. We shouldn't be having any trouble with Lauren now." Lain pushed her front lose hairs back. She could feel the sweat on her hand.

"What happened?" Kaila asked as both Lain and Mallix completely changed. Their powerful and intimidating demeanor was replaced by a more peaceful and reassuring one as their tense muscles relaxed.

"I had a quick talk with Lauren..."

"That was it?! That was so fast?!" Zander butted in.

"Well I talked and she listened. Anyways as I was saying she isn't going to be a bother to you anymore." She looked confidently at Kaila.

"What did you do?" Zander bounced asking Mallix.

"Nothing." He said simply.

"Nothing?!" Zander turned towards Nina and Alex who both gave him the same response. "What?! So only Lain talked to her?! I thought you guys would've at least gave her a knuckle sandwich!"

"Keep your voice down Z." Alex scolded as he got too hyped. "We had nothing to do. Lain had it all in the bag."

"Is that true? You did it all by yourself?...For me?" Kaila looked at Lain dropping the ice pack to her side.

"I may have confronted Lauren alone, but I knew if she tried anything everyone had my back. We all did this for you Kaila." She put her hand on Kaila's shoulder.

"You're part of our group now. We've got your back." Alex smiled stepping closer.

"What a way to start this morning? And here I was thinking I could get a quick nap in." Nina lightened the mood as everyone casually walked away from the lingering crowd outside the building doors.

"So how's your hand feeling?" Mallix asked seeing it was aided too.

"It's ok."

"Glad to hear because the plans for tonight haven't changed. I've got us reservations somewhere special to eat tonight, be prepared to amazed!" Nina reminded.

"Free food!" Zander pumped his fist as Alex rolled his eyes playfully.

"And you're still coming this weekend to our place, right?" Lain looked down at Kaila who had slowly made her way to the girls side. When she nodded everyone cheered.

They still had a few minutes before class. Taking a moment to themselves in the empty hallways everyone collected themselves before separating at the morning bell. Kaila felt her heart race as she headed to her first class. 'They really care...' she looked back seeing them all happily walking away to their classes.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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