Chapter 72: The Iron Culprit

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As Faye and Zander joined Kaila and Lauren, the tension around the four kids was high as everyone expected. They stuck to simple and more quiet games. Faye had been trying to make everyone feel comfortable, but with Lauren and Kaila sitting right besides one another, it was a challenge.

Every slight move they made seemed to be taken as a threat by the other. It had taken them a few hours to get more acquainted with one another before their thick walls began to slowly crumble away.

With the four little ones playing in the living room, the others have all scattered throughout various rooms around the house. With the kids distracted it was finally time to get some chores done.

Alex and Nina stayed close as they stood in the kitchen making dinner, meanwhile, Lain and Mallix were going between the other rooms to clean them.

While the four friends did the boring adulting, the kids were left with nothing but their imagination. Playing with the chest containing a bulk of toys, Faye and Kaila giggled as they defended the precious chest from the nasty pirates coming to steal it.

"Come on Lauren!" Zander said masking a terrible pirate impression. "Let's steal back our gold!"

"You pirates will never take our treasure!" Kaila giggled back at him.

"Attack!" Zander held a long stick up in the air as he charged forwards. All the while Lauren just stood in her spot watching as he poked the two other girls with the stick.

Laughing at how much it tickled them, Kaila and Faye were pushed away from the plastic chest. With them at a far enough distance Zander was able to steal the chest away from them. With it now in his possession he looked at Lauren. "You didn't help." He told her.

"Sorry." She mumbled softly.

"It's okay. We won anyways." He chuckled as the other two girls whined.

"Because you tickled us!" Faye giggled at him.

"Even if I didn't we still would've won."

The girls playfully chuckled as they regrouped. "Wanna play hide and seek now?" Kaila asked.

"Yes!" Both Zander and Faye shouted excited. Without a fourth vote, the three pairs of eyes turned to Lauren waiting for her response.

"Uh...ok." She nodded shuffling her feet closer to them.

"I'll be it!" Kaila raised her hand as she bounced on the tip of her toes.

Nodding, the others all waited until Kaila covered her eyes with her hands as she began to count. With the darkness obstructing her view, the other kids quietly took off in all directions.

Zander hid inside the closet in his and Alex's room, he made sure the door was barely shut to allow some light to still linger in the closet with him.

Faye had taken off towards Nina in the kitchen. Seeing one of the kitchen cabinets open and practically empty—she easily slid in. With some assistance from Alex who was nearby, he shut the cabinet door hiding the small girl completely. Curling her legs to her chest, Faye had to cover her mouth to stop herself from giggling and giving away her hiding place.

Lauren on the other hand, had taken off towards the game room. Finding a closet blocked off by some games left piled in front of it, she tried to open the door. It wasn't locked as the handle twisted, but the door wouldn't budge. A tough layer of rust had grown on the door hinges over the years causing an extremely loud screeching noise to echo as she slowly began to open it. Using all of her strength, Lauren was able to just about get a crack in the door just large enough for her to squeeze into.

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