Chapter 32: Home Bound

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While they didn't talk about it anymore, the couple were both extremely curious to see what Kaila was going to be like when she woke up from her nap. They grew concerned after realizing Kaila had slept most of the day away.

But all their worrying came to a rest when they could finally hear the little girl stirring awake from the other room by her little whines.

Closing their game and book, they took off in the direction of their bedroom. Slowly opening the door they saw Kaila sitting up with tears running down her face holding Elie close to her chest.

"Oh no baby. What's wrong?" Mallix rushed over lifting Kaila up and placing her on his hip.

Rather than bouncing her like Lain would do, he swayed their bodies side to side as he held her head close to his chest. His strong grip and soothing motion helped the tired girl calm down.

"That's better. Look how's finally awake." Lain cooed taking a peak at Kaila snuggling her face into Mallix's shirt. "Did you sleep well?" She asked making silly faces at the small girl causing her to giggle.

Kaila nodded behind her fun. She loved the strong masculine scent Mallix gave off. He made her feel safe in his arms, Lain did too, it felt like nothing could hurt her while she stayed in their grasp.

"Good. Well then why don't we have some dinner." Mallix kissed the top of her head as he and Lain both walked out into the living room.

Sitting down with Kaila on his lap, the girl curled up against him. "How about we order take-out tonight?" Lain pulled her phone out.

"Sounds good to me. I don't have to cook." Mallix looked down in his lap. "What do you want to eat tonight my little snuggly baby?" He smirked seeing how content Kaila was.

"I get to choose?" She finally spoke after hours of only crying. Her voice was horse and soft but she still seemed excited as her puffy red eyes lit up.

"Mhm. You've had one hard morning and slept through most of the evening, it seems only fitting you get to decide how we end the day."

"Pizza?" She looked hopeful at them.

"Coming right up." Lain's chuckled dialing the number. While she was busy ordering their food Mallix was bouncing his lap playing quietly with Kaila.

He kept tickling her sides making her laugh and smile even more.

"Thank you. Bye." Lain hung up. "They said it should be here soon. Why don't we get a movie set up in the meantime?"

"Aladdin!" Kaila shouted louder than she had intended to shocking the couple.

"I see we have an Aladdin fan here. We'll get it set up. Why don't you go run along and grab Elie and your blanket from your room." Mallix set her down pushing her back gently.

'Your room.' Kaila smiled to herself. She felt assured to know she finally belonged somewhere.

She squealed happily racing down the hallway to the pink tinted door. She was still more than thrilled to be able to call a room like this her own.

Finding Elie and her red fluffy blanket sitting in the crib. She grabbed the two items without a problem and raced back out. "I got them!" She held them up proudly showing them off.

"Good job cutie. Now get over here cuddle with me." Lain opened her arms on the couch while Mallix was still putting the disk into their movie player.

Kaila scrammed into Lain's embrace getting herself comfortable while Lain threw the blanket over the two of them. Kaila had laid her head directly over Lain's heart disregarding where her head was placed. She enjoyed the comfort of their hearts too much to care about anything else.

Lain just held her close not saying anything. She didn't wasn't going to let anything take this moment away from her.

Once Mallix got the movie set he snuggled up besides his girls and the happy trio let the music take them away.

As their night went on the movie ended and their food had been devoured. Everyone was emotionally and mentally exhausted from their rollercoaster of a day. Shutting the tv off, Lain got up from under Kaila and stretched her arms.

"Let's get you in the bath Kaila. Then after it's bedtime for you." Lain extended her hand towards the small girl still snuggled warmly in her blanket with Elie.

"No!" She complained not wanting to be disturbed.

"Kaila, Lain told you it's time to get in the bath. You can have more snuggle time with Elie once your all clean."

"But it's cold!" Kaila pouted with big glistening eyes.

Lain sighed not wanting more tears tonight. "Then I'll go get the warm water running, but as soon as the tub is ready you're getting in it."

Kaila nodded happy to be able to stay on the couch for a few more minutes. Lain walked off to get that bath started while Mallix kept Kaila company.

The two of them were sat cuddled up together until Lain called out for the small girl. Kaila groaned as she stood up walking tiredly to the bathroom while Mallix followed her.

When she got there and saw Lain kneeling on the ground with her arms reached out for her, Kaila blushed. To make matters worst Mallix was in the room too.

"Babe, can you give us some space please?" Lain asked quietly chuckling at Kaila's pink face to herself.

"Oh yeah...sorry." He covered his eyes as he shut the door behind him.

Finally just the two girls alone Lain looked at Kaila. "Do you mind if I help you?...Or do you want me to leave too?" She asked.

Kaila thought about it. She had never been seen completely naked by anyone before.

"It's alright if you want me to leave." Lain reminded trying to aid in her decision even though inside she was hurt. She wanted her baby to trust her enough to help.

When Kaila didn't respond for another minute of staring down at the ground, Lain just smiled kissing the top of the girls head bringing her out of her thought.

"You can do it then. I'll be waiting outside." She went to walk away but was caught off guard when she felt two small hands catch her arm.

Kaila blushed even more. She didn't mean to do that. Her body just instinctively reached out towards the tall girl. 'What do I do?' She panicked having only a split second to decide now.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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