Chapter 66: Round Two

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With three loud knocks echoing through the house Mallix and Lain sprung out of bed. Still half asleep they looked at each other concerned about the loud pounding. Seeing the sun was already shining bright through their window, they checked the time. After seeing it was already a little past eight, another set of three excessively loud knocks echoed through their home.

Walking to the door, the couple opened their door seeing Nina and Alex. Hearing soft noises behind their tall figures they knew the kids were behind them. "There you guys are!" Nina tiredly said as she rubbed her fist. "I thought you guys bailed on the plans. I was knocking for like fifteen minutes."

"Sorry." Lain opened their door wider to allow everyone in. "We just woke up."

"We can tell." Alex chuckled looking at them both in their pajama clothes. Upon looking at their outfits Alex spotted Mallix's cast. "What happened to your hand M?!"

" was nothing." He brushed off. "Just make yourselves at home, we're going to get ready real quick." Mallix offered as he took Lain's hand before walking off towards their room before their friends could question him anymore about his injury.

Alex, Zander, Nina, Faye, and even Lauren all stepped in. Gathering in the movie room, Alex and Nina decided to put something on for the kids while they stepped out into the living room to talk quietly amongst themselves.

It was only another twenty minutes later when the couple appeared again, this time in their usual day time attire. Seeing Alex and Nina in the living room they sat besides them.

"Where's everyone else?" Lain asked besides Nina.

"We settled them down in the movie room. After hearing how urgent this was last night we thought it was only fitting for this to be between us."

"That's probably for the best."

"So what's wrong now? Is Kaila alright? Why isn't she back yet?" Alex asked.

Mallix looked down at the floor as he felt himself choking up at the thought of it. "Kaila's..." his voice already cracked as he fixed the collar on this shirt. "...she's seen better days." He breathed out as tears started building.

"What happened?!" Nina asked.

"Mallix and I went over yesterday to check on Kay, and...and when we got there...she had a black eye." Lain fought back her own set of tears as she alerted the other two of their recent endeavors.

Taking it as expected, both Nina and Alex jumped out of their seats looking wildly at the couple. "What?!" They shouted in unison.

"What do you mean she had a black eye?!" Nina asked.

Meanwhile, Alex was already cracking his knuckles as his hands balled into a fist. "Who did it?!"

Taking it upon himself Mallix went and explained the entire encounter at Kaila's home to them as they settled back into their seats, still flaming with the same fire.

"That's why you have a cast!" Alex slapped his hands together as the puzzle started to come together.

"Why didn't you guys tell us about this sooner?!" Nina asked feeling betrayed.

"We didn't know what to do. We tried calling the police but they were no help." Lain looked apologetic at her best friend.

"Do you guys at least know who the punk in the jacket was?!" Alex asked.

Again the couple shook their heads. "So were really going off nothing here!" Alex ran his hands through his hair.

The couple nodded looking down as their lack of information made the entire situation harder for everyone.

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