Chapter 67: Past and Present

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There wasn't a term able to describe how anxious and worried Lain and Mallix were the second they shut their door. Apart of them felt guilty for dragging their friends into this and yet their minds couldn't have been more at ease knowing they were making progress in getting Kaila back.

They felt conflicted.

When they heard laughter coming from their movie room, it snapped them out of their trance.

Remembering their responsibilities for the time being, the couple tried to hold back their dejection. Knowing that there were little ones in their home made their hearts ache.

Walking hand in hand, the couple walked close to the source of the noise. It wasn't until they got closer did they hear not two, but three different laughs. They paused for a moment to look at one another confused before quickly marching to the room.

Peaking in they stood dumbfounded in the doorway to see Lauren sitting at the edge of the couch laughing along side Faye and Zander at their goofy cartoon.

If Lauren's presence wasn't already enough to spark a new fire in Lain, seeing them all curled up under the same long red fluffy blanket that was left in the nursery set her off edge.

Mallix looked over at Lain already seeing her face scorching hot red. Before he was able to stop her, she slipped out of his grasp yanking the blanket off the three kids.

They all sat startled when Lain nearly matched the same coloring as the blanket in her arms. She was growling softly as she looked between the three of them with anger. "Who grabbed this?!" She demanded.

But the three kids all curled themselves up against the couch staring blankly at her. Mallix tried yelling for Lain to stop but she wasn't anywhere near close to stopping. Getting even closer to the three of them she asked again louder and firmer.

"Who.Grabbed.This?!" She dangled the blanket in their faces.

"I-I-I-I did." Lauren finally spoke up as her hand raised ever so slightly.

The smoke alarms would've gone off if the steam clouds blowing out Lain's ears got any larger. "You went into Kaila's room to grab this! Didn't you?!" She practically screamed in the girls face.

"No...I-I...I didn't know-"

"Didn't know?! I don't care if you didn't know you brat! You aren't allowed to touch anything!"

"Lain...I'm...I'm...sorry." Lauren said using her name for the first time in years.

"Why the hell are you even here?!"

"N-N-Nina invited me."

Lain backed up shocked as she mumbled a fast response to that under her breathe.

Pointing her finger directly at the now visibly trembling girl, Lain was shaking herself from all the rage boiling up inside her. "What makes you think that after years of constant name calling, humiliation, and fighting you can just waltz your way into my home?! Sit on my couch! And use my baby's blanket!"

Mallix was still shouting for her to stop at the doorway. But finally seeing as his method was doing no good, Mallix stepped up and stood between Lain and Lauren.

"Babe stop now!" He said trying not to raise his voice anymore than he already needed to.

"Get out of my way Mallix!" She screamed.

"Lain!" He shouted as she tried pushing him out of her way. "Lain!" He tried again to get through to her but it was ineffective.

"You're scaring them!" He finally said catching Lain off guard. She was so caught up in her own spiral she hadn't stepped back to realize the entire situation til now.

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