Chapter 38: Shopping Spree

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"Kaila get back here!" Mallix shouted halfway across the mall parking lot.

Kaila was so excited as the hype built up on the way here that as soon as he parked she jumped out of the car with Faye.

The small girl stopped in her track as soon as she heard Mallix call for her. Walking back shamefully to him, Faye just stayed out by the entrance.

Before Kaila could even say anything he grabbed her hand. "You know better than to run off in a parking lot."

"Sorry..." she mumbled while they slowly started walking towards the mall entrance together with Lain following closely behind.

As they caught up with Faye the couple brushed past her walking into the mall. Inside was fairly empty considering school had only just gotten out.

The four of them waited near the entrance until the rest of their group showed up.

"Let's get the food already!" Zander shouted as soon as he entered earning a chuckle from everyone.

"N told us about what happened earlier. I never thought I'd see the day she got away from Lauren." Alex whispered over to the couple looking over in Faye's direction.

"Hopefully she doesn't go back to them. She's too sweet." Lain said with hope in her eyes.

"Well what are you guys waiting for?!" Nina shouted towards the friends quietly talking.

"We're coming." As Alex's glance faded between both the shy girl and Nina, he smirked wildly.

Quickly catching up, the couple were happy to see Kaila in the front with Faye laughing about something random. Zander was never too far away from the girls. He would chuckle occasionally when his mind focused away from food and onto their conversation.

"Can we go in there?" Kaila asked pointing towards a large shop looking at Lain and Mallix who were walking hand in hand near the back of their growing group.

"But I wanted to go to the food court." Zander objected.

"Z, I told you in the car that I'd get you food if you didn't complain. I'm pretty sure this counts as you complaining." Nina raised her eyebrow at him.

"Fine." He pouted crossing his arms as he wandered to Alex's side.

"Well only be in there for a little Z, then we'll get you something to eat." Alex comforted as he wrapped his arm around the boys shoulder. Immediately he felt Zander's muscles tense. Chuckling at him Alex let him go watching as his body relaxed and his eyes looked up to meet his. There was blush all over his face.

"Great. Let's go." Nina led the group with James linked to her arm into the shop.

In order to cover more ground everyone split up. Kaila went with Lain and Mallix. Upon request by Nina, Faye went with her and James. While Zander and Alex went together.

An hour had passed and the group were still lingering in Kaila's store choice. As the three groups rejoined Zander looked at everyone else with his hands clenching his stomach. "Are you guys almost done?"

"Nope!" Kaila shook her head still excited to look around at all the nice clothing.

"You guys take your time. I'm going to take Zander out already to the food court. He's been complaining for the past ten minutes." Alex said taking the boys hand.

"But I said I'd pay for his dinner." Nina tried handing Alex some cash but he rejected it.

"It's alright N. I've got this. I'll call you guys later." He smiled at her before the two boys disappeared out of the store.

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