Chapter 20: Elephant

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As they watched movie after movie, not only had their places on the couch continue switching but Kaila had been handled close by both Lain and Mallix. By the time their sixth film ended the small girl was being held by Lain. By the way she was seated, Kaila was practically sitting on top the tall girls lap.

As the lights came back on Kaila instinctively whined as her eyes became irritated. In a haze of pain Kaila looked around jumping at the first place she saw for protection. As she hid her face in Lain's neck, the tall brunette had cooed down and wrapped her arms securely around Kaila's small body.

Both Mallix and Nina were surprised that Kaila had made such a bold move already. Their mouths were propped open until Kaila peaked out of her hiding place seeing their expressions. Her face was beaming with heat as she finally took a moment to think about her actions.

She was embarrassed, this wasn't what it looked like, all she wanted was to hide away from the horrible light. That feeling was enough for her to hide back into Lain's neck blocking their stares. She didn't understand why, but the dark and soft tender spot on Lain's neck was comforting. Especially when she felt rhythmic patting on her back.

"Why don't we go have some lunch?" Mallix coughed getting a grip on himself trying not to make Kaila more flustered.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. Why don't you and N go get started on it, I'm going to have a small talk with Kaila." Lain looked over to the both of them as they nodded and left the room.

As Nina shut the door behind her Lain looked down at Kaila who still hadn't moved from her neck. "Are you alright?" She rubbed Kaila's back talking softly into her ear.

"Did I make you mad?" Her voice was trembling. She sounded as if she were on the verge of tears.

"What of course not! Why would you think I was mad?" Lain wasn't prepared for that.

"Cause you told them to leave, and you said you had to talk to me about something." Lain shook her head as she sat Kaila up to the point where the small girl was straddling her. The blush on Kaila's face couldn't have gotten any redder.

"It's not anything bad I promise. I was just going to ask if you were comfortable." She shrugged with a smile.

There was a second where Kaila didn't respond. She just looked down at her hands. As she built up the courage to do so the small girl nodded shamefully. But to her surprise Lain only brought her in for a hug.

"So I see someone likes cuddles." Lain pulled out winking. Kaila stuttered trying to find something to say to defend herself. But the incident just made Lain laugh. "There isn't anything wrong with it. You know, I love cuddles too." Her voice was soft and sweet.

"You do?" Kaila raised her eyebrow. From Lain's demeanor she seemed far off from someone who enjoyed being close with another person.

But she nodded proudly. "Mallix loves them too. In this house cuddles are free. So if you ever want another one you come find one of us, okay?" She tilted her head watching as some of the blush faded away from Kaila's face as she nodded.

"Thank you. It's going to be nice not having to only get cuddles from Mallix. Between you and me, I prefer yours over his." Lain smirked.

Kaila felt more at east as she laughed back. If Lain was capable of joking about them, then Kaila knew cuddles weren't all that bad.

"Now how about we meet them outside for some lunch." Lain set Kaila down on the floor as she got up herself. Leading the way the two of them made it outside where Nina and Mallix were working diligently in the kitchen.

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