Chapter 22: Elie

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"These are baby toys?" Kaila asked. Her face showed a mixture of confusion and shame. She waited looking towards the trio of friends for a response.

But behind their calm postures, each of them were filled with nerves. They didn't want Kaila to freak out if she knew the truth over the toy. But as the silence was growing thicker Lain stepped up as she breathed in deeply.

"They are Kay." She paused waiting to see if there was going to be a reaction from the small girl who looked down at the elephant in her hands with mixed emotions. "But it's alright for you to enjoy playing with them. They're here for you after all." She attempted to comfort her with a soft voice.

"Really?" She peaked up at her.

"Really. There's no shame in playing with them. If you're having fun then that's all that matters." Lain smiled.

"Can...can we keep playing?" Kaila mumbled softly under her breathe just loud enough for everyone else to hear. With a smile and a laugh they all resumed their game from earlier.

As time passed and the sun was nearing the horizon Kaila, Lain, and Nina had all moved back into the theater room watching more films while the boys were preparing dinner.

With a close eye on the fire and knives spread around, dinner was completed. Zander helped set the table while Mallix and Alex prepared their plates. The smell traveled through the house and soon the girls had joined them. They all took a seat laughing about the silly ending to their movie.

Dinner was a success. Everyone had resumed normal conversations, and Lain and Mallix were discrete in making sure Kaila finished her plate.

Night had rolled around sooner than they had expected. As they all washed up for the night the couple were happily surprised by how well Kaila was taking everything for her first day.

While the small girl was busy in the shower and everyone else was minding their own business, Lain and Mallix in their room alone. Sitting on their bed they had a small private talk.

"This is going great!" Lain excitedly threw her arms around Mallix's neck. He chuckled wrapping his strong arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"You know for a split second I actually thought she was going to be upset about the baby toys." He chuckled at the idea now but at the time it had filled his anxiety.

"I did too. But look at her now. We can't even get her to put that elephant down." Lain took a breathe feeling an entire mountain of pressure let off her shoulders as she fell back on her bed.

Mallix couldn't help but laugh as he fell back with her. "Isn't it in the bathroom with her?"

"Yup. I tried to convince her to leave it out here with us but she insisted."

They laid in silence for a minute giving them time to reflect on everything that's happened during the past twenty-four hours.

"You really picked a good one babe."

"I told you she's a cutie." They shared a laugh as their hands found one another interwinding their fingers.

"This is going to work. With a little more exposure I'm sure she'll love this. I already know I do." He shut his eyes as a grin took over.

Lain shifted onto her side brushing her hand against his cheek. "I love this too. And the best part is she loves cuddles too!"

Mallix chuckled as he opened his eyes looking hurt at his girlfriend. "What's wrong with my cuddles?"

"You get boring. At least Kaila keeps it interesting." She laughed as he pushed her off of his side and sat up with his arms playfully crossed. "Oh don't be jealous." She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind settling her face on his shoulder before kissing his cheek.

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