Chapter 100: Sacrifice

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With their final day of the semester over, the group all found themselves at school ready for the final round of competitions to start.

They were all slowly gathering together in the library for one final moment together of peace. But that idea failed miserably when they realized how stressful this moment was going to be for them.

"I'm so nervous I feel like I can't breathe!" Lain said anxiously.

"Relax babe." Mallix said giving her a hug. "You're going to do great today. Don't you think so precious?" He asked towards the little girl standing besides them.

Kaila nodded happily as she bounced on her toes joining in for a three way hug. Mallix chuckled before he raised his eyebrow at Kaila. "Didn't you bring something for mommy?" He asked knowingly.

"Mhm." She nodded proudly rummaging into her backpack before hiding something behind her back. Looking up at the tall girl excitedly Kaila smiled, "eyes close mommy!"

"What is going on?" She asked with a confused laughter before holding her hands out keeping her eyes sealed shut.

She was nervously waiting as she heard Kaila giggling nonstop as she placed what felt like a piece of paper in her hands. "Open!" Kaila shouted.

And as Lain opened her eyes back up she saw the masterpiece waiting for her. Sitting in her hands, Lain saw Kaila had drawn a picture of her.

Standing on a high pedestal was Lain holding a gold medal above her head as another girl on the drawing wearing Reabell's colors was on the floor crying. Lain couldn't help but laugh hard at it.

"You made this for me?"

"Yeah and daddy helped with the colors." She said bouncing in place.

"I love it." Lain smiled hugging Kaila tightly in her embrace. "I'll keep this with me the entire time."

While the small family had their own moment together, Nina and James were having one besides them of their own. Standing off to the side for a more private talk the couple looked at one another concerned.

"Do you think it was too soon to bring Lauren back?" He asked.

"Probably. After what happened this morning at breakfast I'm scared she's going to throw up again."

"I should take her home. Who cares if I miss one year of finals. Lauren needs us more than coach does." James said.

"James, are you sure? I can back out of finals instead. I know you don't say it, but I know how much these finals mean to you."

He immediately shook his head without needing any time to think. "Nina no!" He grabbed her hands. "You're right I do care about finals, but that's only because I want to show dad that I'm not just in my big brothers shadow all the time. But I've finally found something that I want more than to prove him wrong." Looking back up at his girlfriend standing in front of him he said confidently, "I want to be here for you guys more. And if that means sacrificing finals for me then so be it."

"James..." she started before he pressed his lips up against hers to silence her.

"Don't worry about it. Right now Lauren needs to be taken care of, and you need to focus on helping take our team to a win. Mallix and Alex already have that covered for our team, so it doesn't matter if I don't go."

She sighed as they held on tighter to each other's hands. Setting their foreheads against one another they tried not to let their worrying minds get the best of them.

"On the bright side, finals are finally not happening simultaneously." James said trying to lighten the situation between them as Nina pulled away laughing at him.

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