Chapter 99: Unity

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"Mama!" Nina sprung awake in the middle of the night. Running out of her room swiftly she ran into Lauren's room as the clock barely struck three in the morning.

Turning the light on, Nina awed as she saw her littlest girl beaming in sweat with tear stains on both of her cheeks. Dropping the bars to the girls crib she picked her up. Turning back towards the doorway, Nina carried Lauren all the way out into the kitchen where she placed a bottle of milk into a heater.

Something she found out after a few weeks of experimenting was that Lauren found warm milk the most comforting.

Grabbing onto the end of the tall beauty's shirt, Lauren dug her face into the girls chest as she wiped her stray tears.

"No Laur," Nina cooed as she pulled the girl away from her body.

"Mama! Stop!" She cried out holding onto Nina tightly trying to get as close as she could to her.

"Lauren honey." Nina tried again but Lauren's loud sobs started to mute out Nina's words. Sighing Nina smiled as she placed the teat of the warm bottle of milk into the little girls mouth.

As her whining slowly quieted down and she eased her head back onto Nina's chest, the girl holding her couldn't hold back her chuckles. "Mama knows you wanted to be close sweetheart. But if your pretty face was hiding then how was mama suppose to give you your bottle?" Nina questioned as Lauren continued suckling away.

"Babe?" James yawned looking at the two of them. "Is everything alright?" He stretched his arms before walking towards them.

Nina glanced down at Lauren whose eyes were closed shut. Putting his hand on the girls forehead he could feel her mild temperature. "I think she's sick."

"Oh really?" She gasped over dramatically. "You're so smart!" She put her hand to her cheek in shock as she awed at his incredible brain power.

He rolled his eyes as he smiled.

Watching as her eyes fluttered back open, the couple looked down at her softly as she stared back up at them. Her glare was innocent as her lips never left the soft teat of the bottle.

Brushing some of the stray hairs out of her way, James took in a deep breathe of courage as he leaned down pressing a kiss onto her forehead. And as his lips came into contact with her skin, it became all the more apparent about how hot she was.

"Want me to make her some soup?"

"Yeah that would be nice. I'm going to take Lauren to our room to rest in the meantime." As he nodded and the two of them began to drift away Lauren whined loudly pounding her small fist on Nina's chest.

"What's wrong baby?"

Lauren mumbled around her bottle quietly making it somewhat of a challenge. "What was that?" Nina asked again.

Mumbling around the bottle again Lauren started kicking her legs around Nina's waist. The girl holding onto her just wasn't getting it. Lauren wanted her way, but how could she have it if Nina wasn't understanding her properly.

But as the girl removed the bottle from Lauren's grip, the poor girl whined as she reached out for it only making Nina hold it further away.

"Mama! Want!" She made grippy hands while reaching out for her milk.

"How about you tell me what it is you wanted, and in return I'll give you back your bottle?" Nina bargained.

Lauren pouted as she laid her head down on Nina's chest heavily. Whining even more than before the small girl threatened to drop tears as she held her hands out hopefully for her bottle.

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