Chapter 35: Reunion

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As the three of them pulled up outside Nina's house Lain texted her they were waiting for her. It only took a minute before her house door swung open and she came running out to the car.

Jumping in faster than ever before she looked at the three of them with a huge grin. "I've missed you guys!" She squealed leaning over into the front seats hugging both Lain and Mallix briefly before settling herself right besides Kaila and brought her in for a specially tight hug. "And I've missed you especially girly."

"We were only gone for two weeks." Mallix laughed as he drove off towards school.

"Yeah. Meaning I had to go two weeks without my girls."

Mallix glared at her from the drivers seat. "And without you too M."

The girls all chuckled while he rolled his eyes. "Anyways the boys got irritating after the first week. All Zander and Alex did was bicker and James, well he's James." She chuckled.

"Did we miss anything actually important?" Lain turned to ask her.

"Besides the dull few weeks you guys made me go through, no. Although Lauren has been asking around about you guys lately."

Kaila could hear the couple sigh irritably from the front. "Still? I would've thought that situation would've died down by now." Lain rolled her eyes turning back towards the front.

"No she's been pretty persistent. But don't worry, we've been keeping her off your guys back. I knew last thing you'd want would be for Laur to ruin your guys break from everyone."

"Thanks N." Mallix smiled looking through the rearview mirror thankful to have the friends he had.

"Don't worry. You can repay me by telling me what your all doing tonight?"

"We're actually going out to get a few new things for Kaila. Isn't that right precious?" Mallix asked but got no reply.

Kaila was leaning with her back against Nina as she bounced Elie through the air.

Nina awed missing their newest addition. "What time are we leaving for the mall?" She asked not taking her eyes off the small girl.

"Um, N we were kinda hoping we could go alone." Mallix broke the news.

"Oh come on! I just spent the last two weeks away from my best friends with a nagging Lauren down my back. Besides I want to get a few things for this cutie too." She wrapped her arm around Kaila's small waist.

"Alright fine. We we're planning on leaving right after we dropped you off but now we can just leave once schools out." Lain said as Nina cheered loudly.

The small girl besides her whined at the sudden loud noise. Trying to pull away from Nina, the tall beauty apologized while holding Kaila calmly to her chest until she settled.

The rest of the ride to school the three friends were all catching up with one another while Kaila happily minded her own business.

Blocking them all out she hadn't heard Lain and Mallix discussing the progress they made with her to Nina or the long rant Nina had about how she missed out on all the cute stuff.

Finally in the schools empty parking lot everyone was out of the car grabbing their bags. While the trio of friends all contemplated to themselves who Kaila would be tagging along with, ultimately the girls won for the day.

"You're coming with us today Kay." Lain grabbed her hand.

The small girl didn't mind going with either of them. She loved seeing both of them in action. Keeping Elie close to her side she was afraid of letting Lain see the toy in fear she'd make her put her away. Waving to Mallix the friends all parted ways.

Once the girls had made it to the swim building Lain sat Kaila down at her seat in the bleachers. "Okay, you be a good girl while we're away." Lain bopped her nose.

Before Kaila could even nod there was a loud roar that erupted through the room shouting Lain's name.

Coming up to them was a tall fit woman wearing a whistle around her neck.

"Meridian! Where have you been?! It's been two weeks since you've been at practice!"

"Sorry coach I was trying to-"

"No excuses! Wasklin get suited and start on warm-ups already!" She looked at Nina who took off as quick as she could to the locker room before turning her attention back to Lain.

"Game week is only three months away! I can't have the captain and my star player be slacking off! Now get in your suit and jump into the pool!" She shouted.

As the space got quieter both women could hear the whimpers coming from behind Lain. The coach looked at Lain confused.

"Just give me a minute coach. I'll settle this."

"Fine. But I'd better see you in the pool doing extra laps in five...It's good having you back Meridian." The coach marched off not taking a second look back.

Turning around Lain saw Kaila shivering into herself as she held Elie to her face hiding behind the toy.

"Hey baby, you're okay." She assured resting her hand on the small girls shoulder.

"She's scary...and loud." Her words trembled as she was shaking.

"I know but she's just getting worked up because of game week. Once it's over it'll be a lot chiller here." Lain grabbed onto Elie bringing it out of Kaila's face.

"What're you doing with Elie still out? I thought we said at lunch only."

"But I don't want to." She whined trying to pry the toy back from Lain.

"Kaila, we made a deal. I put some other things inside your bag to keep you busy. Let's put Elie to sleep now." She lowered the toy into her bag.

Kaila looked down defeated as her elephant disappeared. Rather than coming up empty handed Lain held a tablet with headphones attached to it.

"Here this should keep you entertained." Lain placed the headphone on Kaila's head letting Aladdin come up on the screen.

Seeing Kaila immediately light back up Lain smiled knowing this was a good alternative.

By the time the music started up Kaila was already taken away into the movie world. Lain kissed her head before running off to practice.

The entire time the movie played Kaila was kept busy watching the different characters singing and dancing. Minutes before the end credits started rolling Lain and Nina returned back to the small girl in their casual school uniforms.

Pulling off her headphones Kaila whined as her movie came to an abrupt ending. She looked up seeing Lain with her eyebrow raised and a stern look. Instantly her whines ceased.

"Let's get going. We've got to catch up with everyone else now." Lain held Kaila's backpack up waiting for the small girl to put her arms through the shoulder straps.

Once they were ready to go the three girls all left the building without any trouble and made their way to the rest of the group at the tall willow tree in the front courtyard.

The second they all met up with everyone they were instantly greeted with warm hugs from missed faces. They did nothing but laugh and catch up until the bell signaled for them to get to class.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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