Chapter 18: Opportunity

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Kaila took a moment to collect her thoughts before looking up at them.

"I...I want to do it." She told them confidently with a smile. The look of pure shock on both of their faces was amusing. Before either of them could even say something in response Kaila laughed.

Hearing her sweet laugh had helped calm the air. "Are you sure about this Kaila?" Mallix raised his eyebrow truly lost.

"I mean if it's what you say it is—the security and luxury of it all doesn't sound half bad. Besides I alright like getting to spend time with the both of you so this just gives me more of an opportunity to do that."

Lain was able to let out a breathe of relief. Lifting up the girls wrist she kissed the back of Kaila's hand, "that makes us so happy and relieved...well okay mainly happy but mostly relived." Lain chucked.

"We were worried you'd say no or hate us for asking." Mallix confined.

"I won't lie at first I was thinking about rejecting the idea. But then you explained it, and well it didn't seem so scary anymore."

"Well I'm glad you don't think it's scary." Mallix side hugged Kaila. "Say we still have the rest of this weekend together, why don't we work slowly into some things and you can see if you like it?" Mallix proposed.

"That sounds like a great idea babe." Lain looked down at the small girl attached to her boyfriends side.

"Yeah that...that sounds nice."

Lain leaned into their hug. Kaila was snug tightly into their embraces. It was safe to say this weekend was already going better than any of them had ever imagined. As they pulled out Kaila yawned like a kitten as she rubbed her falling eyes with a fist.

"I think it's time for you to get some sleep." Mallix quietly laughed.

Kaila hummed in response standing up. She swayed with every step she took towards their door. Both Lain and Mallix were by her side within a moments notice holding her hands as they walked out.

Passing by the pink door they walked into an empty guest bedroom at the end of the hall. Kaila was so tired at this point she didn't even notice she was being tucked into the large bed by the couple who happily watched as she fell asleep the second her head touched the soft silk pillow.

As they shut the door the couple turned to one another more happy than they had ever seen the other. "I'm telling Nina the news!" Lain ran off squealing as Mallix shook his head playfully following behind his excited girlfriend.

Back in the living room the couple were surprised to see both Nina and Alex hadn't moved from their spots. When Lain ran into the room with excitement all over her face they already knew the good news.

Lain crashed into Nina excitedly hugging onto her tightly, "she said yes!" She whisper yelled not wanting to bother both Kaila and Zander as she threw her hands in the air.

"I'm an aunty!" Nina squealed just as loudly with as much enthusiasm as Lain.

"We're you guys nervous?" Alex asked as Mallix took a seat close to him.

"Extremely, but Kaila took the news well. She was a little wary about it at first but she came around to the idea." Mallix wiped his remaining nervous sweat off his forehead with his arm.

"Congrats!" Nina squeezed Lain before jumping up and running over to Mallix and hugged him just as hard. "I'm an aunty." She repeated to herself still in disbelief as she pulled away.

The longer the realization sunk in the more real it became. "I'll be back!" She shouted racing to her purse.

"Where are you going?" Mallix asked trying to catch her before she was out the door.

"I am not going to let my first day of aunty duty be without a gift! I'll be right back!" She rambled slamming the front door behind her before anyone had time to tell her otherwise.

The remaining friends all looked at one another blinking slowly. They were at a loss for words. Instead they all just laughed hard. But not a second later the door unlock and flew right back open. Nina poked her head back around the wall with a large smile. "I forgot to mention I'm taking your car M! Thanks!" She dangled his car keys from her finger before slamming the door once again.

Lain and Alex laughed especially hard as Mallix rolled his eyes. "Babe?!" He protested looking to Lain.

"What?" She couldn't breathe from how hard she was laughing. Taking a moment to breathe she was able to get out words. "She's just excited. Let her be. You know she won't scratch your car. Probably."

Mallix groaned. "Fine. Then you can wait for her to get back. I'm going to bed." He walked away back towards their room still sulking over the fact that Nina took his car. Out of all of the friends, everyone knew Nina was the worst behind the wheel.

"Hey!" He heard Lain shout out to him from behind. Turning around he was pleasantly surprised to feel her lips pressed up against his. "Goodnight." Her alluring eyes contained his thoughts.

She watched as his tense shoulders relaxed. Breathing calmly through his nose and mouth Mallix smiled turning around slowly and sleepily entering their bedroom. She silently chuckled before going back to take a seat besides Alex.

"So what all went down with Kaila exactly?" Alex looked over extremely curious.

Lain smiled at him already knowing his motive for asking. She went on and on about all the details of their conversation. Alex hadn't said a word throughout the entire thing, he was so caught up with listening to form his own thoughts. By the time Lain had come to the end they were both startled as the front door shot back open and in came a happy Nina.

She had a bag in each hand that dropped down to the floor. "Look what I've got." She melodically said holding them up.

"What did you get?!" Alex asked as she sat down on the opposite of him.

Nina happily put the bags down and dug out all of their contents. From fuzzy blankets to toys Nina was more than ready to spoil the small girl rotten. "N it's probably too soon for all of that." Lain looked concerned.

"'re probably right." Nina chuckled to herself looking at the mountain of stuff she bought. "Then I'll leave them here and when she's settled I'll give them to her. Easy solution."

"That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. You can leave them, you know where." Lain smiled.

"Thanks L." Nina skipped away with her bags full of items.

"Well I think that's as exciting as tonight is going to get. I'm going to sleep it's been a long day." Alex looked down as he stood up.

Before he left the room he looked back at Lain who was watching him carefully. "I really am happy for you guys." His voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking and his eyes seemed glassy.

Lain smiled as he disappeared into the house. Meeting Nina in the hallway, the mocha beauty had just shut the pink door quietly behind her. "Everyone else is sleeping." Lain told her.

"I don't blame them. We were all going crazy in that limo. Guess we should too then." Nina was calmer than before. She had gotten most of her remaining energy out while she was running around the shops.

Lain nodded passing by Nina towards her room. "Night." She said before going into her bedroom.

Nina waved as Lain shut her door. Looking into her bed she saw Mallix already passed out. Snuggling under the sheets Lain got close to him as her heavy eyes began to fall.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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