Chapter 54: Brotherly Rivalry

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"Seriously?!" They all exclaimed looking at one another.

"Dad has to be joking! He doesn't mean Fendly, as in Lauren Fendly! Right?!" James looked wide eyed at the table.

"Of all businesses dad could've partnered with he just had to choose Lauren's parents company." Mallix grunted to himself before being washed out from the loud cheer coming from the audience.

One by one Lauren and her parents walked out on stage standing proudly. It didn't take long for the girl on stage to realize the six pairs of eyes all staring at her bewildered.

As her parents said a quick word to all the guests, she stood back trying to keep her calm composure. When their speech ended they were escorted off the stage and towards a table near the groups.

The entire time the table never took their eyes off the girl following her parents.

As the audience quieted down, Devon returned back to the podium finishing up his presentation with his long speech.

The group had all turned to one another, blocking Devon out, as they conversed amongst themselves. They gossiped with one another until a second loud roar of applause filled the room as Devon stepped off the stage.

Rather than going to his seat at the Fendly's table, he stopped by at the group of friends with a wide smile. "What did you all think of my speech?" He looked pleased with his work.

"Dad, really the Fendly Corporation?!" Mallix discretely yelled at him.

Pointing his wrinkled finger at his oldest, Devon looked at the boy with pride. "Yes, the Fendly Corporation. Get over it son. I know you and Lauren don't have the best past, but this isn't about childish feuds. This is about the future of my company and the future for my family. Now all of you pull yourselves together." He instructed everyone seeing the disbelief on their faces. "You will be kind to the Fendly's from this point on."

"That isn't going to work." Mallix was quick to respond.

From besides him, Mallix could see James pleading looks for him not to make matters worst but that didn't stop him from speaking his mind. "We all know Lauren, dad. We also know that hearts don't just grow in a day. We'll keep ignoring her for now, but if she even tries anything I'm not hesitating to stop her."

"She won't do anything of the sort, I've made sure of it. Her parents and I have come to an agreement where I would talk to you boys about behaving civil around one another, and they would do the same to her."

"Lauren...civil...never thought I'd hear those two words in the same sentence." Mallix rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Mallix!" Devon silenced the boy as he pounded the table roughly. Luckily for him, the performers had resumed their gig taking away the attention from him as people began eating their meals to the loud music.

"Enough! This isn't up for debate! I will not have one of my biggest opportunities slip away because you couldn't just behave yourself around their daughter!" He looked coldly at the boy.

"James you'd better make sure your brother here doesn't do anything he'll regret." The man looked at his youngest who was staring down shaking his head at Mallix.

"Nothing I do, I regret." Mallix mumbled under his breathe purposefully loudly enough for Devon to hear.

"Watch your tone young man! Last I recalled I bought you that house of yours, I can take it away!"

"Don't forget that Lain's parents paid for half of that house too! You can't do that! We all agreed when you bought the house that the place would be ours!"

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