Chapter 12: Bonding

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Math was boring as normal. Kaila had spent the entire hour half asleep at her desk. Occasionally she would glance over to Lauren who was sitting rather quiet. The girl turned in her chair sometimes and met Kaila's glare.

As she did so, Kaila could see the bright red marking still on Lauren's cheek. Tear streaks were evident. Before Kaila turned away Lauren had mumbled something under her breathe only loud enough for her friends to hear. By the way they all immediately turned to look at Kaila the small girl knew it was no good.

After a few rings of the school bell Kaila found herself once again back at the lunch table. She sat down in her usual spot as Lain slid her a homemade pasta dish.

"I hope you like it. I'm trying to work on my cooking." She smiled.

"I can testify that her cooking is beyond amazing!" Mallix praised as everyone laughed.

Nina nudged Kaila's arm grabbing the girls attention. "If you think L's cooking is good, then you should try some of mines sometime. I am by far superior."

"Excuse me. My meals are way better than yours."

"You say that now, but who was the one who taught you how to cook basic recipes?" Nina fluttered her eyes watching Lain grab a noodle from in front of her before casually throwing it.

"You only taught me how to boil noodles. That doesn't count as a recipe."

Nina was shocked as the saucy pasta landed down on her sweater. She gasped grabbing a few croutons from her salad before chucking them back. Everyone laughed as they continued bickering.

"So N, can you give us any hints as to where you plan on taking us tonight?" Zander asked extremely curious as to where they'll be dining.

"Or how you'll get us all there for that matter?" Alex interrupted wanting answers to more important issues.

"First off, nope. And second off, nope. You guys are just going to have to wait." Nina smirked.

"Will there at least be steak? Please tell me there's going to be steak." Zander pleaded.

"You really do only think about food. Even when you're already eating." Alex rolled his eyes as he bit down on his meal.

"I can't help it! I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about the transportation."

"Hey, speaking of needing a big enough ride for all of us, has anyone seen James? I haven't seen him all day?" Nina asked the table.

Everyone shook their heads before looking down at Mallix. He was face deep into the new pasta dish Lain made to notice the conversation. As he looked up with sauce all over his mouth he nervously glanced at them before wiping himself clean. "What?" He grumbled around the pasta still in his mouth.

"Have you seen James?" Lain chuckled shaking her head at him while she stole the napkin cleaning off sauce he had missed on his chin.

"Why would you guys think I know where he is?" He said clearly.

"Because you're his brother." Kaila told him catching everyone off guard. Over the past few day's at lunch Kaila had a very limited vocabulary. Seeing her say something unprompted made everyone else glee in excitement. Maybe they'd be hearing more from her soon.

"Yeah but I don't live with him anymore. Ever since Lain and I moved in together the only time I see James is here at school."

"Sorry N." Alex looked apologetic to the tall beauty looking down at the empty seat besides her.

"It's alright. I'll try and call him later." She disappointingly said.

"I'll go call him for you N. I'm sure it's nothing." Mallix stood up and walked towards the school building putting a distance between them.

Everyone watched as he dialed a number and put his phone to his ear. After a few seconds though he shook his head putting his phone back in his pocket. "It went straight to voicemail." He sat back down.

"Well you know James. He's probably just isolating himself at home again. He does need his personal space."

"Then he really needs a lot of it N. It seems like he's gone at least once a week." Zander joined in.

She shrugged her shoulder as she gestured for someone to change the topic. For a few moments everyone pondered a new topic before Alex locked on with the quiet girl in front of him. "Do you live nearby Kaila?"

The silent table suddenly had ten eyes all staring at her. "No not really. But it's not excessively far either."

"That's like our house. We live about thirty minutes away." Lain said when suddenly her eyes lit up. "You said you rode the bus, right?"

Kaila nodded lost as to where this was going.

"Well Mallix and I drive here every morning. N lives about five minutes away from us and so we pick her up. The boys walk together since they live so close. We could give you rides too if you'd like?"

"That's a great idea." Mallix seconded looking hopefully at Kaila.

"You should take the offer it'll be fun. But I'm warning you they play the slowest music of all time the entire ride." Nina exaggerated.

"I like how calming it is." Lain defended.

Mallix laughed. "It's up to you Kay. We aren't going to force you. It's just that after what you said happened yesterday and this morning, it would make both Lain and I happy to know you got here safe." Mallix sent her a smile that gave the small girl goosebumps. Not even her own parents cared this much about her.

She didn't know what to do. This was all so new. She watched their eyes carefully seeing how they twinkled with hope. "That...that actually sounds nice. I'll take you up on that offer."

Lain clapped her hands excitedly.

"Great! Then we'll drop you off at home today." Lain planned.

"Don't we feel left out." Alex joked as both he and Zander were in the middle of making their own exciting plan to get to school next week.

"I...I don't mind it." Zander felt himself becoming hot as his face turned a very light shade of pink that was hard to notice. A grin crept onto his face as he tried to get the thought of a walk alone every morning with Alex out of his mind.

As lunch neared it's end everyone was trying to quickly finish their meals. After they were done cleaning up they all stood outside the school doors chatting up a storm while they waited for the bell to ring.

"See you guys tonight." Nina smiled towards the couple and Kaila as she skipped the opposite direction. She squeezed herself in between Alex and Zander throwing her arms over both of their neck.

"She really is excited." Mallix laughed turning back to the girls beside him.

"I can see why." Lain looked between her boyfriend and Kaila who was warily keeping close tabs on all the wandering eyes staring at her. "This weekend is going to be perfect." Lain whispered to him squealing softly.

Checking on Kaila he made sure she was occupied before pulling Lain close to him. Getting close to her ear he whispered back, "don't get your hopes up babe. I know we talked about this but it's out of our control if she says no. If she says yes well then I'm throwing a party, but just don't be that upset if she doesn't."

She pulled away mouthing "I know" a few times. As they got into class the trio all took their seats resuming yet another timeless class of discussing their plans tonight.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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