Chapter 33: Nursery

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"C...can you help?" She looked down embarrassed to be asking as her face turned a bright shade of red.

"Of course I can." Lain softly looked at her. She was more than thrilled to see Kaila trusting her enough to help.

"Let's get you out of that shirt now. Arms up please." Lain pulled the shirt over Kaila's head easily trying to ignore the obvious blush on the girls face.

Now for the tricky part.

Going for it, Lain quickly removed her remaining clothing. Kaila thought she couldn't turn any redder and yet she was proven wrong. Taking Kaila's hand, Lain helped ease her into the tub. Pouring a soapy liquid in the water bubbles started forming.

As the white suds surrounded her Kaila felt better knowing there was some sort of barrier.

Finally being able to relax a little Kaila began to engage in her bath time. Playing around with the bubbles around her she formed many different little shapes.

While Kaila was still slightly flustered to have someone else present, Lain was just looking at her sweetly not saying anything as she let the little girl have her peaceful moment.

There was something about her presence that made Kaila feel relaxed—despite whatever situation they may be in.

As she let all the tense energy leave her body, Kaila had built up the courage to look at Lain happily. "Play with me?" She asked holding up a handful of bubbles towards the tall girl.

"Sure let's play honey." She got back down to her knees taking the bubbles Kaila offered.

No matter how many times she heard it now, Kaila smiled every time she heard their nicknames for her. It was a constant reminder of how much love they had for her.

Scooping up even more bubbles out of the water, Lain put a portion of it into Kaila's head making a silly hat. Lain laughed seeing how it looked.

"My turn!" Kaila squealed about to put bubbles on Lain's head. But before she could the tall girl held her hand up.

"Not on me. The bubbles stay inside the tub."

"But you put them on me!"

"Well you're in the tub aren't you?" Lain smirked seeing Kaila looked down defeated. "Oh don't be so upset. The bubbles would prefer to be on you anyways." She laughed.

They played until the water became cold. Once it was Lain drained the bubbly water letting another round of clean warm water begin to fill. This time she took her time washing Kaila's hair and cleaning her body.

Kaila hummed while Lain's fingernails ran through her scalp scrubbing the soap in, but fussed more when Lain began to clean her body off. She was still nervous. But taking one look at Lain, Kaila felt her heart steadying.

Slowly Lain washed Kaila's arms being mindful of the girls comfort level. As she traveled around to wash different areas Kaila was more bashful in certain places than others. But nevertheless she never once stopped Lain. Rather instead she tried to focus on the suds around her to take her mind off it and relax.

"All clean." Lain cheered for her as she drained the soapy water. Kaila didn't even notice she had finished.

Lain grabbed a large towel and threw it over the shivering girl.

After lifting Kaila out and drying her off Lain put a fresh pair of clothes on her. Kaila was surprised to see how well the footed pajamas with pandas on it fit her almost exactly right.

"Aren't you adorable?" Lain couldn't help but coo. She gave Kaila a peck on the cheek before leading the two of them out to where Mallix was waiting in the nursery.

He was already showered and sitting in the rocking chair scrolling through nonsense on his phone. But once Kaila ran in his attention was fully taken away. "Look at you precious." His eyes gleamed with joy.

Kaila giggled. All the love she got made her more than happy. "You guys play I'll be right back." And with that Lain left. And indeed Mallix had kept Kaila busy in the meantime as they played with the other toys scattered around her room.

More than half of them Kaila had never seen before. Much like with Elie. She was curious and intrigued by their different colors and textures. While all brightly colored, some were soft like Elie while others were hard like a pile of wooden blocks she had.

Noticing Kaila's interest in the blocks Mallix grabbed them and laid them out in front of her. He began piling one on top of another and soon Kaila was making a tower of her own too. "That's it." He encouraged as she giggled.

Just when her tower was reaching a high point Kaila turned to grab Elie from behind her but was upset to find that her leg brushed against the bottom block tumbling the entire tower over.

Her face dropped as her bottom lip trembled. "Hey no it's alright. That was a very nice tower honey. We can always make a new one." He rubbed his hand on her back.

"Ok." She pouted grabbing a block from the freshly fallen pile. By the time she placed her third block down on her new tower she completely forgot about the last.

She was giggling once again as they continued to play while they waited.

When Lain returned her hair was still slightly wet from her shower and in her hand was yet another bottle and Kaila's blanket. After seeing how content Kaila was with the last one, she figured one more wouldn't hurt for the night.

Mallix looked over to Kaila who was happily humming to herself building a kingdom of her own with Elie sitting in her lap. "Ok baby, it's bedtime now."

They were both proud seeing Kaila nod and put her toys away before running over to them.

Mallix lifted her up off the ground and sat them both in the rocking chair. He laid her against himself so that her head was resting comfortably on his chest.

Lain handed him the bottle while she set the blanket over both of them. Kaila's eyes followed the bottle as Mallix brought it up to her lips.

"It's alright Kaila. Remember it's nice." He reminded gently easing the teat into her mouth.

Once it was in she was content feeling the cold liquid again. She suckled softly on it wanting to savor this moment. Her big eyes had wandered up to meet his. He was looking down at her with admiration all over his face.

After some time Mallix began to rub circles on Kaila's tummy while he started a conversation with Lain. The small girl could see his lips moving but she couldn't hear anything they were saying. She was too occupied just watching his soft lips moving.

The couple talked for minutes as they waited for Kaila to be done. They wouldn't even have noticed she had finished finally if it hadn't been for her whine when she realized the cool liquid stopped flowing.

"Very good princess!" Lain praised taking the empty bottle from Mallix as he stood with Kaila on his hip.

The small girl smiled resting her head on Mallix's shoulder. But when she felt him placing her down into the crib she fussed feeling his warmth being pulled away.

"Oh I know. You love our cuddle time don't you?" He smirked kissing her nose. "How about you and Elie have some cuddle time of your own?" He tucked her under the red blanket making sure Elie was safe in her arms.

Finally feeling warm again and having her favorite toy besides her Kaila sunk down into the soft mattress.

"Goodnight Kaila." Lain kissed her baby's forehead before Mallix did the same. Seeing Kaila's eyes fighting to stay open he smiled bringing up the gate to the crib.

Their night had ended a lot calmer than their morning, and they were ready to put that all behind them as they spent this week getting Kaila accustomed to their new life. They would be spending one-on-one time with her finally, and they were going to be loving every second of it.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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