Chapter 2: Gossip Girls

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As Kaila got her lunch from the surprisingly kind lunch lady, she now stood in the center of the large cafeteria looking for a quiet place to sit. Finding an empty table in the front next to the trash bins she began walking shamefully towards it.

As she carried her tray full of spaghetti and meatballs she passed by different tables full of people laughing and smiling. Kaila was never one to go out of her way to make friends. After years of experience she'd come to learn that friends only meant trouble—and she had enough of it on her own. Feeling a vibration coming from her pocket, Kaila went to reach for her phone.

During the split second of turning to look down at her phone Kaila walked on autopilot towards the table unaware of the girl she was headed right towards. The girls back was turned towards Kaila, but as she went to turn towards her friends the girl had managed to slam herself right into Kaila's tray ruining her white top.

Kaila immediately dropped her jaw when she noticed it wasn't just any girl—but one of the four girls who she had caught whispering about her on the bus and in math. Getting an up close look, the girl had her brown hair wrapped in a high ponytail with a full face of glam makeup.

Watching the anger burst out of the girls grey eyes Kaila just let out a series of sorry's.

"Sorry?! You think saying sorry is going to fix this?! You ruined my uniform you little bi-" the girl raised her hand to slap Kaila but felt someone restrain her.

Kaila shrunk into herself as she went to cover her face in defense before realizing what had happened. The furious girl just shot around meeting another girl—much taller than both of them—with a stern glare holding onto the now nervous girls wrist. "What do you think you're doing Lauren?" The tall girl asked.

Yanking her hand free, the girl Kaila now knew as Lauren went and made a scene in front of the entire cafeteria as all eyes were on them and the room was silent. "This newbie here just ruined my uniform! And on our first day back as seniors! Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?! I was just going to teach her a lesson...with my fist!" Lauren screamed before forcefully turning to go for another chance at a blow but the tall girl was quick to react.

Jumping in front of Kaila she blocked Lauren's punch. "Leave her alone Lauren I'm sure it was only an accident. And just an fyi you are the one making this situation embarrassing! You're always just trying to pick a fight with someone! Now get out of here before I teach you a lesson!" The taller girl puffed her chest watching as Lauren nervously scowled her way before snapping her fingers.

Almost instantly the three other girls Kaila had seen with Lauren were now by her side. Before that they were all too busy standing back nervously watching the tall girl intervene in the argument. As if the snap of Lauren's fingers brought them out of their nervous trance they forced a composed posture filing behind the girl with a ruined uniform. "Whatever, lets go somewhere that doesn't have...Nessie." Lauren laughed as did the other girls.

As the group cat walked out of the cafeteria the tall girl just turned to everyone still looking with a glare daring them to say something. Her stare was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. Turning away from her everyone else went back to their own business.

Finally as the cafeteria filled with noise once again, Kaila felt her body tense up when the tall girl placed her hand on her shoulder. "Hey you okay?" Her tone was much calmer and softer than before.

Too nervous and shy Kaila nodded backing away letting the girls hand fall back to her side. "Don't let Lauren get to you. She's like that with everyone. She just likes picking on the new kids since they don't know how much of a loser she is yet." Kaila giggled slightly slowly moving her eyes up to meet the tall girl who saved her.

Finally getting a good look at her, Kaila saw she had on red sweats and a plain white shirt. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun as water droplets fell to the ground around her. A faint smell of chlorine stuck to her. She certainly didn't look like any of the other students. Especially when Kaila locked onto her face. It was clear her natural beauty shined through no matter what she was wearing. "Ok you can stop drooling now." The tall girl laughed.

Kaila shook her head not realizing her mouth had opened nearly leaking after staring for so long. "Sorry Nessie," she muttered under her breathe.

The tall girl in front of her looked with wide eyes before bursting into laughter herself. Kaila watched confused. As the girl came off her high of laughter she looked at Kaila innocently, "my name isn't Nessie. That's just a nickname Lauren's given me over the years. I'm on the swim team, hence where she cleverly came up with Nessie." When Kaila only continued to stare confused the girl laughed again. "You know the Loch Ness Monster."

Opening her mouth in oh Kaila finally caught it. "Sorry..."

"Don't be," the taller girl extended her arm. "I'm Lain. Lain Meridian. You're welcome to come eat with my friends and I. We could use a cutie like you at the table." She chuckled seeing how pink Kaila's cheeks turned.

Kaila just stayed silent reaching out to meet her arm. They shook hands slowly but when Kaila retracted her hand Lain just stared with a cocked eyebrow as if she were waiting for something. Looking confused for a moment Kaila finally caught Lain's drift. "Sorry, I'm Kaila." She softly said.

"Kaila, hm? A cute name for a cute girl." Kaila blushed harder looking down at her feet.

"T-thank you." She nervously smiled.

"Don't mention it. It's the truth after all. Now back to more important business. Did you want to come back to the table with me? I'm starving and if I don't get some food into my stomach I might just go crazy." She dramatically gripped her stomach in agony.

"Oh, thank yo-" before Kaila could even finish her statement Lain had grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her to the table anyways. She tried to resist but she was no match when it came to Lain.

Deciding to just roll with it she was quickly moving to keep up. Kaila was brought to a table outside far away from anyone else. There she saw an array of people. Slight panic began to set in as the three people contently eating their lunch all looked up at the girl with curious eyes. "Guys this" Lain leaned down to Kaila's height whispering. "What was it again?"

"Kaila." The small girl responded to which Lain announced happily to the group. She was a little wary when the people around her all waved saying their greetings while she saw Lain sit down besides a boy with another strong physique. His neatly made brown hair and blue eyes contrasted with Lain.

"You can sit here." Lain patted an empty spot besides her before finally digging into her salad. Not really wanting to disappoint the girl who just saved her, Kaila took a seat. Lain smiled passing over her side of fruits to Kaila as a peace treaty. One by one the small group all introduced themselves to the shy girl.
Let me know what you guys think so far. Thanks Lexx signing off

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