Chapter 94: Game Week

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As the alarm blared for the millionth time in their lives, the couple woke up this early morning with their hearts half out of their chests. Filled with nerves and energy the mood this morning was confusing.

Mallix had showered and gotten dressed into a pair of slacks with a plain polo shirt while Lain had gotten herself changed into a more intriguing outfit.

Rather than dressing in her usual sweats and plain shirt, the tall girl instead wore a full glam makeover. Putting on a full face of makeup and throwing on her normal uniform like Kaila, Lain felt her heart slowly continuing to drop.

Mallix whistled as she walked into their room. Looking her up and down, he had to admit that game weeks were always his favorite time of the year. Getting to see the love of his life dressed to impress he stood off of the bed walking over to her.

As she looked into his bright blue eyes, he grabbed hold of her warm hands. "You look amazing babe." He kissed her cheek before noticing the fear in her eyes.

"Is everything alright Lain?" He led her back to their bed. Setting his hand comfortably on her thigh the two of them sat alone.

"Of course. I'm good." She said with a crack.

He sighed as he put his hand over hers securely. "Babe I can tell when something's bothering you. And so can Kay. We've noticed you've been really worried about competitions."

"It's competitions. Of course I'm going to be worried." She justified.

"But not like this Lain. In all the years I've known you, the most nervous you got was when you puked on one of our picnic dates into the lake."

She gagged. "Mallix! Don't even bring that up again I feel like I'm going to vomit again enough as it is!"

He couldn't help but chuckle. "See! Somethings wrong, you never feel like you have to puke unless you're really scared. You can tell me what going on."


Raising his eyebrow she couldn't get past the look he had. It was the look he gave Kaila when he knew she had done something wrong but rather than confessing to it Kaila was clearly trying to cover it up.

"Okay fine," she threw her hands up, "I may be just a tad more nervous than I usually am."

"Babe?" He cocked his eyebrow up even higher. "Only a tad?"

"Alright fine, a lot more nervous but that's because there's so much more at stake this year!"

"What makes this year any more important than the others?"

"Because this is our last year! And I want it to be memorable and make the team proud! Plus there's always scouts looking out for student athletes this year! And if I can get recognized I might just be able to get a full ride to college! Not to mention, we also have Kaila now!"

Mallix was following up until her last argument.

"What's Kaila got to do with any of this?"

"She has everything to do with this! I don't want to d-disappoint her and not be fast enough...or...or not be elegant enough!"

"Elegant babe? You'll be swimming."

"That's not the point! The point is I just don't want to let anyone down and now I have so much pressure to get it right. What if this is the year where someone break my record?! Or if I get nauseous last second and have to forfeit from the competition all together!"

"Hey babe, calm down." He stopped her rambling as he hugged her from the side. Hearing her sniffle and feeling a wet droplet sink through his polo Mallix knew how much this competition meant to her, but he didn't want her stressing this bad about it.

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