Chapter 65: Fight Against Reality

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Once Lain and Mallix had arrived home from the hospital, they took a minute to collect themselves in their bedroom.

Mallix was staring down at the cast that now resided on his hand, while Lain took gulps of her glass of water trying to heal her aching voice from yelling so much earlier.

Just thinking things through in their head they sat frozen like that for an hour. The sun was approaching the horizon as nightfall grew near.

Looking out their bedroom window Lain softly said, "stay home with me tomorrow."

Mallix looked up at her with remorse as he shook his head. "Babe..." he spoke just as softly. After a few hours of constant yelling in one day both of their voices were strained. "You know I can't do that."

She turned around from the window revealing to Mallix the silent tears that had been streaming down her face for the past hour. "Why not? After everything that's happened, please." She begged him.

Mallix sighed. Of course he wanted to stay here with his girlfriend and help her figure out some way to help Kaila. But he couldn't just lose sight of everything else happening as well. With competitions closing in and the couples decreasing averages, the school would lose their best players.

Not only that but with everything going on with Kaila, the couple hadn't been paying attention in classes either.

They had both already received a word of warning from their coaches letting them know that if they didn't get their act together soon they would lose their big chance to even play in competitions.

But Lain didn't care about any of those things anymore. She already knew all the material in all her classes and she still had her passion for swimming—she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Not when someone she loved, who is so innocent and sweet, was being abused.

Mallix agreed with her on all aspects, except that he needed to play in the competitions—this year especially. Word from his coach was that there would be a scout for a well known university attending the competitions this year. And Mallix knew this was his shot. A chance to do something better with his life, and not just to take over his fathers boring company.

Being lost in his mind to think Lain grabbed hold of his good hand, as a tear dropped off her chin. "Please Mallix." She begged of him one last time.

"I...I can't." His voice cracked.

"Why not? Kaila needs us now more than ever before!"

"Babe, the competitions-"

"Screw competitions! What's important now is Kaila and getting her back! It's just for another day, I'll tell everyone to come over and we can all talk about this."

Mallix sighed as he brushed the fresh tears off Lain's cheek. Looking at his girlfriend with sorrow filled eyes he couldn't say no to a face like that. "Alright. I suppose one day of missing practice is better than ruining my scores anyways."

Lain's face brightened up as much as it could. She sniffled wrapping her arms around his neck tenderly as she hugged him tightly. Mallix coughed from the pressure around his neck causing Lain to release her grip on him.

Staring back into one another's eyes, Lain felt her the tears subsiding. "Sorry." And for the first time in nearly two weeks Mallix couldn't help but smile at hearing Lain laugh again.

"I'll make us dinner. You call everyone up and tell them about tomorrow." He said as he stood off the bed.

But Lain stood at his side pushing against his chest firmly sending him back down. "Not with your hand like that. More like I'll make dinner and you call everyone up."

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