Chapter 56: Detention

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"What were you all thinking?!" The principal with a heavy voice and large build yelled at them all lined up against the wall of his office.

Kaila trembled at the vibration of his voice grabbing on tightly to Lain's hand besides her. Pulling her girl closer, Lain tried to comfort her as much as she could while the principal rambled on about their behavior.

"Why are you all fighting this early in the morning? Class hasn't even started yet?" He tried to calm himself before jumping to conclusions.

"Principal Wayne, I didn't do anything! My friends and I went over to their groups trying to have a simple conversation with them, but then Mallix over there, slapped me across the face." She put her hand up to her bruised cheek. "We didn't do anything to deserve that!" Lauren had managed to drop a few tears to further her acting skills.

But the man only hung his head low shaking it as he took a seat in his chair. Taking a deep breathe he held his hands together on top of his desk. "Ms. Fendly as much as I'm sure that's true." Everyone could hear the sarcasm in his voice. The group of friends all quietly laughed to themselves as Lauren grew angry. "I did see you punch Ms. Wasklin over here too. And for that I have to include you in a weeks worth of detention."

Lauren crossed her arms as she stomped her foot. "DENTENTION!" She screamed at him. "I'm sure you forgot the fact that my parents have donated a very generous amount of money to your school!"

Principal Wayne rubbed his temples looking at the girl. "No. I am very aware of your parents contribution to our schools funding Ms. Fendly, but that won't exempt you from the same punishments as everyone else."

"That isn't fair! My parents will hear about this!" She slammed her fists onto his desk.

"Ms. Fendly!" The principal shouted at her standing up angrily. The girl shyly backed away from his tall figure. "This attitude if yours will only grant you more time in detention. I suggest you calm yourself." He firmly told her.

Seeing her timidly take her place against the wall besides Alia and Rose, Principal Wayne turned his attention to the others. "What happened that made things escalate so quickly?" He asked the group.

After everyone had taken turns explaining the situation from their perspectives, Principal Wayne sighed at them. "A weeks worth of detention for you all. I know you had a particularly rough case on your hands," he side glanced at Lauren, "but that situation could've ended differently had you not encouraged the fight."

Looking specifically at Lain, Mallix, Nina, James, and Alex he raised his eyebrow noticing the three kids practically attached at their sides. "As for you five, I know you are all on our sports teams, so I'm going to contact your coaches and let them decide a reasonable punishment on top of detention."

Everyone frustratedly nodded knowing not to make the situation worst for themselves. Looking back at the others, Principal Wayne addressed them all. "I will be contacting each of your parents throughout the day to inform them of your behaviors."

Kaila wanted to cry knowing that was coming. She squeezed tightly onto Lain's hand as her body began to shake with worry.

As they were excused from his office, Lauren scoffed bumping into each of their shoulders on her way out. Looking extra long at the small girl at Nina's side before marching away with her girls. James kept his distance from the group—especially with Nina.

Having already missed their first class the group all paused in the hallways looking at one another. Zander was scared, but he wasn't trembling as bad as Kaila and Faye were. Seeing as nobody was in the halls with them, Lain and Nina both picked them up trying to soothe them.

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