Chapter 9: Enemy

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Lifting her hand into the air quickly getting ready for another back hand Lauren taunted Kaila. She was amused to see the small girl tense up when her hand came down just barely stopping above her other cheek. "Not so strong without Nessie, huh?"

Lauren threatened to slap her across the face and the people around didn't even stop to watch. Instead they all aimlessly walked away knowing it would be of their best interest not to bother Lauren.

Kaila winced at her. "You're pathetic, you know that? Rosy and I went through your files in the office, and all I've got to say is what kind of freak do you have to be to have been expelled from six different schools over a span of six years?"

Kaila furrowed her eyes nervously. "How did you get my files?!"

"I can do whatever I want! That's how. Those sad secretaries will do anything to prevent themselves from losing their jobs."

"I haven't even been expelled from that many! You're setting a new record here newbie. So what's the secret?" One of the girls in the back looked impressed.

Kaila was muted by them. She couldn't even breathe let alone talk. "Guess she won't say Rosy. Shame." Lauren looked with at Kaila a forced pout.

"I bet she got caught having an affair with her teachers. I mean just look at her. What kind of person is that reserved and stares at teachers the way she does?" Another one of the girls behind Lauren laughed. Kaila looked baffled at her statement. She was speechless, she never would have guessed someone would accuse her of something to that degree.

Stepping up from behind Lauren, a girl with her clean ironed out uniform and heavy makeup eyed Kaila up and down. "I saw the way you were looking at Mr. Kane in class earlier." Kaila tried hard to think back in class.

She internally screamed at herself when she remembered she had zoned out daydreaming in his class. All she was thinking about was this weekend and how excited she was for it. She didn't mean to look at Mr. Kane the way she did.

"What?! No! No I've never!" Kaila let the words slip but they held no power. They were weak and soft as she kept her head down, looking at her feet.

"You're a horrible liar newbie. I know a slut when I see one. And you've got it written all over your face. I wonder what everyone will think when they hear the news. I bet even your new friends will finally see you as you attention seeking little bit-" The girl shouted before Lauren put her foot down.

"Enough Alia." Lauren silenced stepping besides her. While Alia had the courage to step up to Kaila, she knew to step back behind Lauren. "I'm sure Kaila will be happy to tell us all about her dirty secrets. But we've got a bus to catch. Let's go girls." Lauren flipped her hair, it brushed against Kaila's face in the process.

As three of the four of them walked away, the fourth one who had fair skin and the deepest of blue eyes watched Kaila for a moment longer. Not with a look of disgust or anger, but one of curiosity. "Faye!" Lauren yelled in the distance forcing the girl away from Kaila. As she quickly caught up with her friends, she peered back getting one last glimpse of the small girl.

With the space she got, Kaila released the tears she desperately held back. She hid behind a nearby tree until all the buses had left. She didn't care if it meant she had to walk home. Anything beat having to be around Lauren or her friends for a minute longer.

As the final bus pulled away Kaila peaked out from around the tree with her tear stained cheeks. She sniffled as she held onto the straps of her backpack tightly walking shamefully home.

The walk was long and tiring, by the time Kaila had arrived home the sun was on the verge of setting once again. Heading into her empty house she went straight to her room shutting out the darkness.

As she felt her head getting heavy Kaila decided to go to her bathroom to wash up for the night. Grabbing herself a pair of pajamas she stood in front of her bathroom mirror staring back at herself. She tuned into the red mark still left behind from Lauren. Reaching up to it with her finger she cringed feeling a burning sensation.

"This better be gone tomorrow." She hoped changing into her pajamas and doing her nighttime routine. As soon as she was done it wasn't long before she collapsed down on her twin bed, staring out her window into the dark enchanting sky until her eyes fell.

Before the sun had even risen the next morning Kaila was out of bed in her uniform ready to start her day. While last night was unfortunate she was blinded by her excitement for tonight. She hadn't had a night like this in years and all her nerves were bouncing with joy.

She paced back and forth in her room just thinking about how tonight would play out. Her heart raced the more in depth she thought about it. As soon as the sun began to rise Kaila couldn't help but let out a squeal. She raced downstairs and grabbed her backpack before running out to the bus stop.

Ignoring the glaring stare from the driver she got on. Walking down the crowded aisle Lauren watched irritatedly as Kaila swayed with every step. Sliding towards the edge of her seat, she waited until just the right moment to slide her leg out into the aisle.

All that filled Kaila's head was the horrendous laughter from everyone around as she hit the floor. Especially from Lauren. "Oops. Sorry. I didn't see you there." She laughed with a high pitched voice.

Pulling herself together, Kaila stood taking her place towards the center of the bus. She shrunk into herself keeping her head down. Her flushed face burned as the light bruise on her face from yesterday stung. She couldn't bring herself to say anything to Lauren. With her friends sitting around laughing as well it wouldn't have ended well.

Although for as embarrassed and hot as Kaila was, she did notice something. One of the girls beside Lauren had a hand covering her mouth. Her shoulders didn't move nor her mouth, she sat back just as shocked as Kaila.

The two of them met eyes with one another for just a split second. During that time Kaila's pleading eyes for an escape sent the other girl to look away. She couldn't bare to look longer. The bus was filled with laughter until the driver arrived at the school.

Dragging herself off the vehicle with a hurt pride, Kaila walked quickly to the same tree she met James. Under it she could see everyone already there just waiting for her. But as she got closer she could see the concerned look on all of their faces.
Let me know what you think about Lauren. Thanks Lexx signing off

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