Chapter 37: New Friend

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Home economics wasn't nearly as bad as Kaila had expected. Sure they all got stares of confusion as they walked in, but that didn't both them anymore. Especially Kaila.

During their time away the couple made sure that Kaila felt comfortable with them—no matter where they were. Rather than noticing the different eyes glued on them, Kaila was more focused on the calm presence besides her.

Holding Lain's hand she stuck close to her side while Mallix walked in front of them. Leading them back to their seats they were greeted by a grunt as they passed their instructor. Clearly he hadn't forgotten Mallix's remark before they left.

Instantly getting comfortable, Kaila sat with her back leaned against Mallix's strong chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Opening her notebook Kaila began taking notes as did the couple for a change. Having missed as many days as they did, they needed to make sure their grades stayed up if they even wanted the opportunity to participate in game week.

However, for as productive as they were, class took even longer when they took notes compared to when they chatted away.

Silently cheering when the bell rang the three of them all stood at their desks upset for this final farewell of the day.

Lain and Mallix both placed an innocent kiss on top the girls head as they waved her off to her final classes of the day.

Struggling to keep her mind off the couple, Kaila found it hard to pay attention to any of her afternoon classes.

Throughout all the information she had just witnessed, Kaila only remembered a tiny bit of it. And at that it was still a blurry cloud of knowledge.

The only thing that excited her was to hear the final school bell ring.

Sprinting out of her classroom Kaila went out back to the parking lot with a smile on her face. She bounced on her toes anxiously waiting for the couple to come out.

But as she waited an annoyingly pitchy voice called out her name.

"Kaila!" She turned seeing Alia walking over to her with Rose and Faye not too far behind.

The small girl gulped backing up trying to hide her tiny figure within the crowd of students exiting the school.

"Not so fast. We can still see you." Rose laughed intimidatingly marching over to the small girl.

But that didn't stop Kaila from trying.

She kept backing away until she felt a tree stop her in her tracks. By the time she turned back from looking at what she hit, all three girls were standing in front of her.

"What do you want?" Her voice was soft and timid. She just wanted them to leave her alone.

"Oh we don't want anything. We were just stopping by to check on you." Alia looked over with a sassy glare.

"Why?" Kaila felt her legs begin to shake beneath her.

"Isn't it obvious?" Rose turned towards the other two girls laughing to herself before turning back to Kaila. "Mommy and daddy aren't here to take care of you yet, so we've come to make sure you don't get hurt." She said with a baby voice as she pinched Kaila's cheek rather harshly.

"I...I d-don't...t-think she'll get...h-hurt..." the quietest of the bunch spoke out against the two looking up at Kaila with a plead in her eyes.

But the two girls groaned back at her. "Nobody asked you Faye!" They shouted turning their backs to her and putting their attention back on Kaila.

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