Chapter 43: A New Era

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Over a week had gone by since Kaila's slip and the small family couldn't have been happier. Kaila had gotten comfortable with the couples new titles and they absolutely loved it.

While they limited her usage of it only in front of them, the couple were aware that she still seemed cautious about being fully little around them in public. They blamed that fact on Faye's presence, as everyone else already knew of their dynamic.

They were also starting to get stricter on their rules. Kaila never acted out, which was a life saver for them, after all they didn't want to have to disciple her. But they had discussed with her that all actions have consequences.

Meanwhile, Nina had done exactly what she sought out to do. Getting a little closer to their newest member everyday Faye had grown rather close to the tall beauty. The two of them had been going out on their own mini adventures whenever they found the time. James would accompany them whenever he could.

Faye was still slightly wary around him. But Nina was always quick to make the girl feel comfortable again. She had a knack for doing so.

Alex and Zander had been bickering with one another like an elderly couple like always. This was no exception.

Things had been going fine as the group rejoined back in front of the schools willow tree. Lauren hadn't been in touch with them since Faye had her falling out discussion with her.

Zander was digging through his backpack trying to find something but dramatically threw his hands up when Alex nudged his shoulder. "What're you looking for?" He asked.

"Just something to show Kay and Faye." He waited for Alex to turn back to the others before continuing to scurry for a soft object in his bag.

Once he grabbed it, Zander silently motioned for the two girls to follow him a few feet away from the tree.

As soon as Mallix caught a glance of Kaila walking towards Zander he looked at her sternly, "not to far Kaila." She turned around nodding innocently.

"You too Faye. Stay where I can see you." Nina warned as the small girl besides her grabbed Kaila's hand.

Giggling together they quickly caught up to Zander. Using their backs as a barrier they blocked the view of the others.

"Did you finally convince Alex to get it for you?!" Kaila asked loudly clapping her hands and bouncing on her heels waiting eagerly.

Zander chuckled but shushed the small girl. She mouthed her apology still waiting eagerly. "I got it!" He quietly squealed.

"Let us see already!" Faye dragged out equally as excited as her new friends.

"Ok...ok..." Zander chuckled as he held his new stuffed bear in front of them. Both girls awed at the simplicity of the cute bear.

"We're you nervous asking for it? We know you've been wanting one ever sense we got our new bears." Faye glanced up at the boy proudly displaying his new addition to the groups growing collection of stuffed toys.

Faye's eyes were getting wider and more innocent by the moment as her pure excitement got the best of her.

"I wasn't as nervous as I told you guys I would be. I knew Alex would've gotten it for me if I asked, but it's just you guys know I don't typically ask for these things."

"Well it's about time. I swear the amount of times you tried stealing Elie from me a big number. But now we don't have to worry about it anymore." Kaila cheered.

But the three kids were all surprised when they heard someone clearing their throat behind Kaila and Faye.

As the girls faced them, Zander desperately hid the bear behind his back. They were all staring at James who had his arms crossed.

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