Chapter 16: Anxious and Scared

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As the limo pulled up to a small modern style home with elegant white walls the group all groaned as they unwillingly stepped out of the car. "Now that was awesome!" Zander shouted waving sadly as the limo drove away.

"He's not wrong. I never would've guessed you were going to rent us a limo N." Alex said only to be met with Nina's laughter.

The girl looked at him with a particularly large grin, "who said I rented it?" She chuckled before running ahead of the group waiting at the couples front door.

Kaila stood amazing seeing their home. While only one story it was big enough to house the entire group with extra space still left over.

"Let's go it's chilly out here." Mallix pressed his hand against Kaila's back leading her towards the door.

As Lain found her keys and they stepped inside Kaila was even more impressed by their decorations. From wooden furniture to hanging chandeliers it almost seemed too good to be true.

"I'm going to go shower." Alex wandered away towards a nearby bathroom.

"I'm going to as well." Mallix kissed Lain's cheek before heading to their bedroom.

Meanwhile, everyone else took a seat in one of their living spaces. With two long black couches there was plenty of space for everyone to spread out.

"Your home is gorgeous." Kaila awed still looking around the place with dazzled eyes.

Lain laughed, "thanks I'm glad you like it. We usually spend a lot of time here."

"Really?" Kaila put her attention on the girl only a few feet away.

She nodded. "Really. Since it's only Mallix and I it can get a little lonely sometimes. So everyone usually meets up here to hang out."

"And they even have a guest bedroom in the back that we've transformed into a mini movie theater!" Nina clapped.

"And don't forget the game room!" Zander added.

"You have all of that?" Kaila was amazed she didn't know what she was expecting, but this certainly wasn't it.

"Yeah we've got all that. And more. If you want, after you shower and get into some comfier clothes I can show you around."

"Yes please!"

Zander, Nina, and Lain all laughed at how the small girl practically jumped out of her seat. While they all talked about the different houses Lain and Mallix had looked at before settling for this one, both boys returned from their showers.

"What's going on?" Mallix plopped down besides Lain resting his arm around her shoulder.

"I was just telling Kaila about that little cabin we were looking at and how it had an amazing view of a lake."

"Did she also tell you about the murder that happened only a few blocks away from it." He raised his eyebrow.

"Way to drop the mood babe," Lain crossed her arms while Kaila shook her head with fear in her face.

"Hey it's the truth...Although Kay, I'll tell you that when we were looking for houses there was always one thing that I loved about all of them." He leaned closer to Kaila.

"What?" She got closer eager to hear the news.

"The fact that no matter which one we picked I'd get to wake up next to that beautiful face every morning." He sat back looking at Lain who was too busy looking out the nearby window to notice. Everyone laughed causing Lain to look back confused.

Before Lain could even ask for clarification Nina interrupted. "Don't even L." Nina held her hand up at her, "you missed it."

"If Mallix is going to be throwing all these horrible jokes out, then I'm going to go change into something that isn't choking me." Zander stood up unbuttoning the top button on his collared polo shirt taking a large breathe. He walked towards the normal room he stayed in where he had a small stash of clothes already waiting for him.

"I'm think I'm going to shower too. I want to be able to see the rest of this place already!" Kaila stood excitedly. She walked away but with only a few steps taken she turned back around. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh that's right. I'll show you." Lain got up guiding the girl to her destination. "Don't start yet, I'm going to go grab you something to wear." And with that Lain rushed away to her room grabbing the largest sweater she owned.

"This should do." She passed the clothing over to Kaila.

"Thanks." Kaila shut the door immediately stripping out of her clothes and got into the hot shower.

Lain had returned back to the living room noticing Zander's absence still. "Did Z still not come out yet?"

"He did, but he said his stomach was starting to hurt so he was just going to call it a night." Alex told her as she sat close to Nina.

The two girls had always been open with one another about everything. They knew with certainty they would be there for the other for all eternity. Being so close had it's perks. One of the best and most useful of those being the ability to easily read the others thoughts without having to think about it.

When Nina saw Lain glancing out the window sporadically the thought already jumped out to her. "Quit thinking about that already. You don't want to get yourself worked up over it."

"I can't. It's all I've been thinking about since dinner."

"Wait. What have you been thinking about since dinner?" Mallix asked completely lost at where this new topic came up.

"Yeah what's going on?" Alex added to Mallix's confusion.

"I can't stop thinking about our talk to Kaila later." She admitted.

"Talking to her about what later?" Alex asked still confused while Mallix remembered and sat back nodding his head.

Lain tried to answer him but she felt tongue tied. Stepping up for her Nina helped, "their planning on talking to Kay about age regression."

Alex looked surprised and shocked as he turned back quickly making sure Zander's room door was shut. Sighing in relief he shot himself back around. The quick motions caused his wet hair to drop a few droplets along the side of his face. "Don't you guys think it's a little soon?"

"I asked the same thing!" Nina said.

"We're just going to do it and see how it goes." Mallix explained. "I mean she didn't seem bothered by the way Lain helped her at dinner."

"Plus she's also already attached to you." Nina turned to face her best friend.

"Really?" Lain was shocked to hear.

"Of course she is. I thought it was pretty obvious. I think you guys will be fine. Besides if she says yes then I get to be an aunty!" Nina smiled getting her hopes up.

"If it's any consolation I'm here for you guys too." Alex looked between the couple. "If you really think Kaila's ready for that then I'm going to support that decision—whatever it may be."

"Thanks guys." Lain felt emotional just thinking about it. Nina took her hand and laid her head against Lain's shoulder.

As the room grew silent the same thought lingered throughout the friends. Everyone was contemplating how the talk was going to go.

Although no one was more nervous than Lain and Mallix. They hadn't officially gone over what they'd say, but they knew that when the time came they would be prepared for it. However, they didn't have much time to prepared as they could already hear the water from the other room shut off.

'It's now or never I suppose.' Lain breathed heavily.
Let me know how you think the talk it going to go. Thanks Lexx signing off

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