Chapter 47: Playset

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"Who's hungry?" Nina called out as she finished cooking lunch on her own.

"I am!" Zander shouted throwing his hand in the air.

The tall beauty laughed. Lain had managed to get them all to clean up their mess earlier and sat them all down at the table.

In the kitchen Lain helped make their bowls while Nina cleaned up some of the mess. As Lain brought the food out, she noted the excited looks on everyone's face.

Nina had cooked up one of her special soups. She refused to tell anyone what was in it exactly, but by the way it smelt everyone was too occupied digging in to even think about its ingredients.

"I guess you all were hungry." Nina chuckled placing a plastic cup of juice in front of Zander and two sippy cups in front of the girls. Everyone happily continued to eat away at their soup.

"I'm going to go let the boys know the foods ready." Lain walked out into the backyard seeing the playset already built. The boys were just putting the final touches on it.

"You guys finished building that really fast." She complimented as she walked over to Mallix kissing the side of his face.

"Well it went a lot quicker with six hands instead of two." Mallix looked towards the others putting their tools away.

"Why don't we celebrate and have some lunch then."

"What's for lunch?" James asked putting his hammer away.

"Nina made one of her soups."

"I bet Zander was excited for it." Alex chuckled.

"He was the first to put his spoon in the bowl." Lain laughed as the boys followed her back inside.

Kaila and Faye were still working on their bowls meanwhile, Zander was already back to running around the living room as he chugged his entire bowl down.

"It smells delicious babe." James walked behind Nina in the kitchen putting his arms around her waist.

"Thanks, I made your bowls already. There on the table." She told him while continuing to wash the dishes.

Lain and Mallix took a seat besides Kaila enjoying their food, while Alex ran off after Zander deciding to eat later.

James was nervous as he pulled out the seat besides Faye. He could see the little girl eyeing him as he sat down. "H-how is it?" He tried to spark up small talk.

"Good." She replied taking more mouthfuls of the delicious liquid.

"Uh..." James felt his brain give out on him as he looked towards his brother and Lain for help.

Chuckling at his nervous death glare, Mallix looked towards both of the girls. "What have you girls been up to all morning?"

"We made a castle!" Kaila told him.

"It had lots of towers too!" Faye added excitedly. James just sat back watching closely at how his brother interacted with them.

"Well do you mind if I visit this castle sometime?"

Both Kaila and Faye shook their heads. "What?! And why not?"

"Cause no boys allowed." Kaila giggled at him.

"Oh I see. Let me guess mommy's allowed then?" He asked but again the girls shook their heads. "Why isn't she allowed?"

"Cause it's only for us." Faye told him as if it were obvious.

"Well that's not very nice." He told them. "Where's this castle of yours? Let me see it at least."

"Can't." Kaila told him before taking a bite of her soup.

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