Chapter 23: Zoo

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A few hours after the sun had risen everyone was finally up and about ready for the day. After a quick breakfast they all decided to go out for the day. They debated over places to go until they settled for the grand opening of a new zoo.

They piled up into Mallix's car just large enough to fit them all as he started their way to adventure.

As request by Nina, Lain wasn't in charge of the music. Instead they all casually talked amongst themselves as the radio played quietly in the back.

"I heard they have alligators!" Zander shared as he gripped the headboard to Nina's seat leaning back and forwards excitedly.

"I heard they have monkey's!" Nina turned around with a smile just as excited.

"Alligators are so much cooler than monkeys N. Have you seen the size of their teeth?!"

"No I haven't. And I'd like to keep it that way." She laughed knowing it would be of her best interest to joke about it than to get into a dispute with Zander over the topic.

"I hope they have elephants." Kaila giggled to herself as she shook the elephant in her hands softly.

"I'm sure they'll have elephants." Mallix looked through the rear view mirror at her.

"They better have all three, they advertise like they house every single creature known to mankind." Lain interjected as she looked up the place on her phone.

"For the price they better have every animal on earth." Alex sarcastically rolled his eyes.

Everyone continued their conversations until they passed by a large billboard displaying the zoo.

"We're almost there!" Zander shrieked sitting on his knees as he stuck his face against the back window keeping a lookout for the zoo. "I see it!" He shouted as the attraction made its appearance. The entire place was decorated with jungle theme accessories.

After paying for parking, the small group all headed towards the entrance. Zander and Kaila led the group by a few feet as they happily skipped together.

Once they made a quick stop to the ticket booth, they were let in through a set of large wooden doors welcoming them into the jungle.

"Alright you two stay close. It's hard to see far ahead with all these trees and vines." Mallix warned as he brushed a dangling vine from out of his face.

But Kaila and Zander were already mesmerized by all the different creatures that surrounded the entrance. Running from exhibit to exhibit they excitedly pointed at the different animals.

"Zander!...Kaila!" Alex scolded as he caught up with them. To make matters worst the entire place was packed. If they wandered too far away, the others feared they would lose them.

"Mallix told you guys to stay close." Alex breathed heavily looking at them. Grabbing each of their hands, he dragged them away from the small exhibit and over to a less crowded corner for them to have a talk.

As Kaila was being pulled away she didn't know what to think of it. She was about to be scolded by her friend. The worried and concerned look on his face made her feel guilty inside.

"Did you not hear Mallix tell you two to stay close earlier?" He asked as he sat them on an empty bench, standing with his arms crossed in front of them.

Simultaneously they shook their heads as they looked down at their feet.

"Then consider this your last warning. Stay close or else we can leave. I know you guys just wanted to have fun, heck I want to have fun too. But don't make us have to panic trying to find you two again."

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