Chapter 53: Special Event

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After finally coming down from her sugar rush, Kaila was tiredly looking out her window. Her eyes wandered around the outside world, she was confused seeing places in the city she hadn't seen before.

The fancy buildings and high class restaurants on the entire block seemed like they hadn't waisted a single cent on constructing the exterior design.

Finally after their long trip Mallix pulled up to a tall building. It's majestical archway welcomed them towards the entrance.

Mallix parked in front of the glass doors to the building as a man in a red suit approached the car. Winding his window down Mallix looked sternly at the man. "Be careful with it." He said unlocking the doors while the man nodded.

Stepping out of the car, Lain reached into the backseat helping Kaila out.

The small girl had tried to sneak Elie out of the car with her but Lain gave her a serious glare. "You know what I told you." Kaila whined setting the elephant back in the seat as Lain shut the door.

Kaila had a frown on her face as Lain took her hand. "I told you that Elie couldn't come with us here." She reminded.

"But why?" She complained just wanting her friend back.

"Because this is a special business party for daddy, and we just have to play our parts for a little while. Once we are all done here you and Elie can play again."

The small girl nodded longingly as she watched Mallix walk away from the car allowing the unknown man to drive off.

"Alright, are you ready for this honey?" He looked down seeing the disappointed look on Kaila's face.

"What're we doing here exactly?" Kaila asked more aware of the situation and what was going on around her.

"Well I told you my father runs his own company and is always looking for partners." Kaila nodded following Mallix's explanation so far. "Well he's recently made a big partnership with another company, and we're here to celebrate it."

"What's the other company?" She asked but Mallix only shrugged.

"My father hasn't said a word to me about who they are or what they do. All I know is that he's more than thrilled and that I have to be here since the company will fall into my hands one day." Looking down at the watch on his wrist he looked panicked. "Okay enough talking out here, let's get inside." He rushed his girls into the lobby of the venue.

"Everyone's so nice looking." Kaila felt intimidated by them. She sneakily grabbed ahold of Mallix's hand, and tightening her grip with Lain's.

"So are you." The tall girl smirked making Kaila's face blush slightly.

They chuckled walking to the elevators where they  quickly made their way to the highest floor that was rented out just for this momentous occasion.

The entire ride up, Kaila watched out the glass window in the elevator. She could nearly see the whole cute by the time the bell dinged.

As the doors opened loud music and bright lights welcomed them to the open floor tightly packed with people sitting and talking amongst themselves, as staff members walked all around.

Kaila quietly whined at the intensity of the room as she covered her ears. Lain realized Kaila's discomfort and brought the small girl closer to her side. As they stepped out of the elevator two women approached them.

"Names please?" One asked.

"Mallix Colden. Lain Meridian. Kaila Micheal." Mallix told them as the second woman looked at a heavily packed clipboard searching for the names.

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