Chapter 101: Go

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After the group had split up, the boys lead the three remaining littles into the gym housing the pool where they took them up into the bleachers trying to find a decent view of the pool below.

And after several minutes of difficult searching, they found an empty spot all the way in the back. While the view wasn't perfect, they did have plenty of space and the majority of the pool was in their view.

They had gotten into the event at such a late time that, by the time they situated themselves the announcer was already in the middle of presenting the teams. With Reabell already out stretching at one edge of the pool, Salvia was currently running out from the back room.

They huddled together on the opposite end discussing what was going down tonight. Faye sat between her two friends, she was looking down at Nina not taking her glare away when she felt Kaila shyly sticking her hand into hers.

Sharing a sweet smile the two girls held hands as they watched the girls they loved stretch for their final matches.

Meanwhile, down at the bottom the girls were doing the exact same. Staring up at their little families they couldn't help but smile. A strange surge began to bolt through their bodies.

"Are you ready?" Nina asked Lain seeing the nervous look on her face.

"Of course I am." She said turning away from her best friend with an unsettled look.

"Lain I can see you aren't." The girl protested as the other sighed. Clearly she didn't turn away fast enough. "What's wrong? You'll be fine today." She said confident in her abilities.

Trying to switch the conversation Lain noticed something off about Nina as well today. "I could say the same about you."

"What do you mean?" The tall beauty asked.

"Well, Lauren and James aren't here. They're at home and I know how much you love having fans here for you." Lain said as she crossed her arms.

"They're still watching it's alright." Nina said trying to brush it off.

"Oh really?" Lain chuckled pointing up at the boys in the bleachers seeing them playing around on their phones. "Seems like their a little occupied on their phones to care about showing James what's happening."

"He probably is still helping Lauren wash up for the night. I know once he finishes he'll call one of them and they'll be FaceTiming."

As Lain went to say something again, Coach came over clapping her hands. She cleared the girls for their ready to begin order, before sharing that information with this rounds referee.

Once both teams were ready to go the booming music lowered itself as the announcer cleared his throat. "Good morning everyone, I hope you had a fantastic evening last night because today is going to get even better. Standing here with us are our top contenders from the district. We all know these athletes have been training all season long, but today we will find out who is our districts top school. Coaches please select your swimmers and send them up to the pool."

Splitting the event into two parts like in round one, Nina found herself going first once again as Lain was set to play in the second half.

"Swimmers take your mark." He announced as the girls all lined up at the various lanes dividing the large pool. As they put their arms above their heads and the loud whistle screamed, they each dived in.

From the bleachers the boys thought they were supportive by how loud they were shouting, but compared to the kids they didn't seem to care. While they sat in their seats watching as Nina zoomed past the other girls in a breeze the three kids were all out of their seats pumping their fist into the air as the cheered her on.

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