Episode 37: Familiar Contract

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I smiled as I jumped out of the bubble boat

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I smiled as I jumped out of the bubble boat. It was great to finally be back! The sun was nearly entirely down. We narrowly avoided meeting the sea monsters inhabiting these areas.

I glanced at Kun, who seemed out of it. In fact, he hadn't behaved like his usual self for the entire trip back. Something else must've occupied his mind.

"Hey, shouldn't you be happy? Sarah finally got a familiar," I whispered.

Kun turned to look at me and smiled. "I am, it's just..." He turned away and went silent.

"Just what?" I gasped as I recalled the conversation before we had landed on the island. I snickered. "Wait, are you upset about Sarah's answer to what she thought about you?"

Kun turned around and glanced to see if Sarah was overhearing, but she was 'talking' to Nyima.

"Don't say that so loudly!" he snapped.

I chuckled. I hit the nail on the head.

"It's best to start out as friends. You can build up from there."

He sighed. "I guess that's true." He snickered. "Guess you would know since my sister has friend-zoned you too."

My cheeks warmed up. "I already said that I don't like her that way!"

Kun chuckled. "Yeah, sure! I believe that."

I sighed. "Next time I'll just let you mope. Now, how about you keep your promise to me?"

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me."

I leered at him. "You forgot, again?"

Kun rubbed the back of his neck and laughed. "Seems I did."

I shook my head. "Stop proving Yen right."

"Eh? But I am reliable! Let's go indoors, I'll go teach you how to do the familiar ritual. That said, it would be easier if I had a live demonstration."

"Sarah hasn't done the ritual yet," Lei said as he jogged over.

"You overheard us?" Kun asked, blushing.

Lei grinned. "Yeah, including the Sarah thing. Not that I wasn't aware. We are triplet brothers after all!" the youngest triplet whispered.

Kun glanced over at Yen. "Well, at least it was you and not her who overheard."

I nodded.

Lei chuckled before turning around. "Hey, Sarah! Mind giving Hika here a demo on how to do the ritual?"

"I don't mind," Sarah said, Orcy's spell still at work.

"Thanks!" Kun said. "Will make my job easier."

Yen leered at Kun as she rushed over to us. "Easier, or do it for you?"

"Huh? Unless if Hika gets it down to perfection from just the demo, then he'll need my advice."

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