Chapter 8: Nami

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Fishmen's strength increased twice in water yet us humans depleted by half. I had to be careful, luckily Sanji managed to get back to the top. I swam back down to Luffy as I saw the fishman go after Sanji. I could see how he defeated the fishman. I started twisting Luffy's leg and pulling on it. For a bit, I got no results until a twist started moving out. I used the sword to bring it down on the rock, cracking it just enough to free Luffy's leg.

This captain sure is fun. His leg started snapping back into place. Quickly, I swam back onto the surface and the minute I broke to the surface level of the water, I panted heavily. Nojiko and the Pinwheel guy looked amazed by what they had just witnessed. I climbed onto land and rested my back against the pole. It was definitely tiring, fighting underwater.

"Are you awake?!"

"Seems like he is..."

Luffy needed a bit before he sprung to life so I went over to take on Arlong before I noticed he was about to kill Sanji and Zoro. Dashing foward, I unsheathed my blade and swung down as hard as I could as it gave a large deep cut against his chest. He tried to punch me but I dodged. I grabbed those two and quickly hurled them away, narrowly dodging the attack he sent us. He managed to grab Zoro during the fight and held him by the neck.

Arlong wondered what scars Zoro had as he ripped off his bandages. The massive scar Mihawk gave him. The wound wasn't even stitched properly and blood was spilling out. Zoro should've been dead. Then, I noticed that underwater the octopus guy was all cut up. I sliced Arlong arm for that making him drop Zoro into my arms. I noticed during the battle his eyes would linger in one place of a tall building.

"I never knew the cute baker would be here"

"Shut up"

That must be Nami's room. If he badly wants her to be his cartographer then all the maps must be up there. Luffy came in punching the guy which diverted Arlong's attention onto him. I ran over to Sanji and Zoro as I checked their wounds. They were bleeding too much so I ripped a lot of pieces of my shirt before tying them around the damaged parts of their bodies. Then, I took off towards the room in the building.

Running up the stairs, I saw some unattended gasoline nearby. I looked out of the window as I ran up the stairs only to see Luffy biting Arlong as Arlong was biting Luffy. I didn't want to question that so I just kept running up the steps before reaching the room. I saw all the different maps, this must be eight years of labour Arlong forced Nami to do. I began dousing the papers in gasoline. I saw a match on the table ready so I took it.

"What is this room? It's full of papers."

"These are the maps Nami spent eight years drawing. For us fishmen, obtaining data from the sea is simple but using that data to draw is another story. Even if you search the who world, you won't find someone who can draw maps as accurately as these."

Luffy reached over as he grabbed the pen. It was crusted in blood but Arlong didn't care, he asked Luffy if he could use Nami better which made us both mad. Luffy grabbed onto Arlong's sword while still being seated on the ground. He broke it in anger as he asked Arlong what he thought of Nami. I wanted to slice the man with my sword but Luffy seemed to want to beat up this guy more. Especially, when Arlong compared Nami to a cute little kitten.

"Then she'd be a cheeky little kitten but I'd make sure she never wants. The only other one that's got a good head on his shoulders would be the baker. I've had his sweets before, I'm surprised he can use a sword that well. Maybe we should have him join the crew. He's more like a ferocious lion cub."

I lit the match and set the place on fire as Luffy kicked the table through the wall. Arlong was especially mad at me but before I could fight him, Luffy punched him. Luffy angrily stated how he erase every last trace of this place as I unsheathed my blade. Arlong's nose became crooked before he snapped it back into place as Luffy swung his leg up past the ceiling before bringing it down at the moment Arlong charged in and bit Luffy.

"Gomu Gomu Battle Axe!"

Well he would've bit Luffy if it wasn't for my blade that hit his mouth making him freeze as he got hit by Luffy as he scream out his attack. Pulling my sword back, Luffy screamed all his frustrations onto Arlong as the ground broke beneath him and all the floors downwards. Effectively ripping the place into two. The place came crashing down but Luffy grabbed me. We stood proud and tall as we defeated Arlong.

"You're our crewmate, got it?!"


Smiling, I thanked Luffy for protecting me before I noticed the marine group I beat up earlier coming over. Zoro and I charged at them before beating them up again. Nami came up to the marine leader resting a hand on his face before brutally slapping him for so many things. We beat them up again before they got into the ocean saying we would get just desserts.

"He knows I'm gonna be the Pirate King and (M/N) is a baker?"

"No, idiot. He meant we would get what we deserved"

Everyone left to tell the rest that they were free as I looked over to Zoro and Sanji as well as Luffy. We needed to get patched up. One of the men seemed to be a doctor too so we let him treat Zoro while I treated Sanji. Zoro looked to be in pain while I managed to give Sanji anesthesia so he was fine and laughing at Zoro. I stitched Sanji's wounds in a way that was well done and hardly visible to the eye. Luffy sat next to me with a ton of band aids on.

"That sure was fun captain!"

"Shishishi, definitely"

A/N: Thanks for reading and commenting!

A/N: Thanks for reading and commenting!

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