Failed Attack

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

The alliance on Law's behalf had ended since he let Doflamingo and I know that he was just using us to destroy the production of Smile so Kaido would come after Doflamingo but now Law was more interested in making Doflamingo pay for 13 years ago. Doflamingo pointed out that what Law was doing is just pure resentment but Law announced that a lifelong desire wasn't resentment. They both got ready to fight as Law's Room ability activated with me enhancing him by putting my hand on his shoulder. Hattori realised it was about to get really bad and followed my orders for him to fly away.

"(M/N), if I die here then call the alliance off for me" Law ordered.

"Oi! There's no way in hell that I'm letting you die!" I yelled.

The bridge outside the Room ability broke as Law kicked me into the wall. Blood and spit coming out of my mouth at impact before Law rushed in to fight Doflamingo solo to enact his revenge. Getting back up, I decided it was best to let Doflamingo and Law fight otherwise Law will never realise that he needs our help. I decided to enhance him from afar by putting my hands together and clutching them to enhance Law. It wouldn't be as strong but it would be enough for now.

"Law forgive me!" I yelled

Law was getting his ass handed to him and I trembled before deciding to go against my words and charge in just as Doflamingo sent Law flying into a building in Dressrosa. The strings were hard to see but my Haki could see others so I would narrowly dodge them as I began bouncing around to build up speed. My Haki was used to predict the future and dodge his strings but my non dominant hand got shot with the Bullet String. I was aiming to pierce Doflamingo heart and I did.

I stabbed Doflamingo's heart and he gasped, blood coming from his mouth. The strings were still active though so I pulled away and quickly jumped away after sending another air slash to Doflamingo. We went back and forth forever. In the fight, he managed to stitch his heart back together which made me highly irritated. This irritation prevented me from using my Observation Haki for a split seconds which allowed Doflamingo to cut my leg but I regained my composure before he could slice it off.

This man was terrifying for his string ability. I was keeping my ground well however by giving him massive injuries. I kept trying to protect Law but suddenly I was Roomed away and replaced with Law. Law yelled at me in rage to not get in the way only to be sent flying again. I snapped as I charged back in, extremely angry.


Briefly Law's eyes widened as I stepped in front of him to block the strings. This time the strings wrapped around my sword and tried to throw me in the air. To combat this, I dug my feet into the ground before pulling back and running in the opposite direction quickly. Then, I swung my blade into the ground and created another air slash that wrecked the ground which hurled Doflamingo into it. Quickly, I turned my back and rushed over to Law since he looked badly injured and I needed to enhance him so I could help. I panicked.

In my panic, I forgot something vital not to do in battle. Never turn your back on the enemy if your not absolutely certain that they are dead. As I bent over Law, I began enhancing him to help only to be shot by some very thick string just next to my heart. I spluttered out more blood and I collapsed onto Law as more strings cut into my skin. Law's eyes looked horrified as I was dragged into the air and hung upside down just with the strings digging into my hand holding my sword for dear life. My hat fell off too.

My outfit flipped downwards but I was lucky a part of it fell on my  underwear until one of the strings pulled it down for Doflamingo's viewing. The strings around my neck began suffocating me while digging into my neck. Blood was oozing out of all my cuts and onto the ground. My pure white blade was being stained. I would be embaressed about my state but I was much more focused on survival. Doflamingo laughed maniacally before the strings lowered me infront of him as the strings flipped me the correct way up.

"Fufufufufu! You look absolutely stunning in blood but I think blood play with you is not my thing, love. I think I prefer you completely naked in my bed. Nice underwear though but I prefer if you would have chosen something more erotic. Not a problem since I have plenty of outfits for you."

"...let go bastard" I glared

My words came chocked because I was being chocked by the strings. The strings were cutting into my clothes and digging into my body. Doflamingo grinned as he pulled me closer and bit my shoulder because he was a kinky piece of shit. He began taunting Law that he would take me in front of Law. I didn't want this so I tried struggling even if that hurt more. My brain was panicking but it seemed that Doflamingo was now concentrating on Law.

Doflamingo brought a gun out from his pocket and aimed it at Law which made me rip into the strings to cut them and I dropped onto the ground before charging at Doflamingo. Narrowly, I sliced the bullet away from Law before holding the sword to his neck and cutting it but he moved back. From afar, I could hear Luffy screaming for Law. The citizens panicked and looked mortified at the destruction.

Carefully, I backed up and stood protectively in front of Law as I raised my sword at Doflamingo with a glare as I put my hat back on my head. My wounds hurt badly. He made sure not to cut off my limbs but he didn't stop himself from nearly doing it. Doflamingo noticed the citizens and apologized for the catastrophe, making excuses and blaming it on us and how we needed to be educated. It was sick and twisted that the civilians believed him. I glared at him.

"Everyone, unfortunately my lover is fighting against me because of our quarrel last night. Please forgive his poor attitude. He's just mad that I would like to make our relationship public."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

A/N: Did I do well to make you guys uncomfortable and portray Doflamingo as a dick because if I did then I'm glad. I wrote him to kind of act fucked up and kinky. Fun fact, this is chapter 100 wohoo! Secon fun fact, (M/N) is not perfect as he makes irrational decisions like him panicking to help Law because he doesn't want people he loves to die like Ace. They also leave lovely commons that make me laugh. Thanks for reading! Should we celebrate the 100 chapter? Any ideas if we should?

 Thanks for reading! Should we celebrate the 100 chapter? Any ideas if we should?

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