False Hope

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Everyone was cheering over getting Robin back but I suddenly saw Kalifa's thorny vines attach themselves to our carriage so I cut them down but Blueno managed to get a hold of our cart but he seemed to be in a lot of pain from his right shoulder being dislodged. He put up a tough front though. Sanji and I ordered Sogeking to guard Robin with his life before Sanji gave a swift kick to Blueno's head. It nearly broke through Blueno's tekkai so I finished the job off and knocked him out temporarily but even unconscious, he still held our two carts together.

"What the hell?!" I yelled

Grabbing Blueno, I hurled him to Kalifa. Kaku took my occupied hands as an opportunity to attack Sanji by kicking him. He crashed into the right side of the carriage chairs and Franky freaked out over our determination. We were so stubborn when it came to our comrades. Grabbing Kaku by the collar, I chucked him to Blueno before Franky ripped the front of our carriage and shoved him and the front towards the front carriage.

"Sanji, take care of Sogeking! No matter what! I'll try to get Franky back" I called out

Freaking out, I jumped over to retrieve Franky but was ambushed by Kaku who apologised when he pinned me to the floor. Growling, I bent my leg and kicked his ass literally before getting room to make room and kick him off, kangaroo style. I grabbed Franky and jumped off the carriage before Lucci intervened. He striked my arm and I could feel pain instantly. It would be better to regroup with Sanji.

Using my sword, I used it to push back Lucci and redirect us onto the Carriage with Sogeking. We landed but Blueno must have woken up since a magical door appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the willing Robin. I called out for her but she pushed me away as I landed on top of Sogeking. Blueno grabbed Franky too and I got quite mad which made me use my Conquerer's Haki. It made Blueno and Robin falter which let Sogeking talk to Robin.

"It's okay Robin! You'll be okay! There's still something you're hiding isn't it there?! We don't care but when it comes to pirates... You can't leave a crew without the captain's permission... So you should have faith in Luffy!"

Robin's eyes widened but she still left through the door with Blueno taking Franky. My face saw Lucci's smirk as I glared at him. Blueno came back to grab me but I got to hit him away. I cursed under my breath as we ended up losing both Robin and Franky. I smashed my fist down onto the train before resolving to get both of them back. Thankfully, soon after we managed to spot the other Sea Train with Luffy on it. I waved in relief at them since they were all fine before Luffy stretched out to grab us.

"Shishishi, you're all alright!" Luffy cheered.

"(M/N), thank you for saving Iceberg!" Pauli bowed.

"It's alright, raise your head. I just did what was right"

Reassuring Pauli, a smile reached my face when Luffy jumped onto me and hugged me. He basically told everyone that I needed to stick with him since we worked well together before he got distracted by Sogeking who was Usopp in disguise. It was so cute and hilarious to see both Chopper and Luffy get fooled by. I stood next to Sanji as he explained everything about the situation including the Buster Call. Pauli drew us a map of the general area which I whistled at.

"Nice! Damn Pauli, you've got some great memory" I praised

"T-thanks, anyways here's the plan..."

Pauli went on to explain the plan but it seemed Luffy didn't listen before he began climbing me and hugging me. I shrugged Luffy off so I could change into the clothes Nami threw at me and she has great fashion. Dark red slacks that were breathable and a white button up. A jacket with yellow lining came with it too which gave me a pirate vibe. Upon the briefing being done, Luffy swung his arms around my waist before launching us off into the Enies Lobby.

"Ah! Luffy! I'm slipping!" I piped up

"Shishishi, let me just do this"

Luffy stuck his hands behind and grabbed under my thighs to keep me from slipping. My hands enhancing Luffy easily now. We probably needed to find a better way other than this. Then again, Luffy was very hands on. We landed on the flag at the main gate before they spotted us. I climbed off of Luffy before jumping down and attacking all the Marines. I had easily taken out around 400 people in one go with an air slash. Luffy got around the same amount with his punches. We demanded Robin's location before charging forward.

Luffy grabbed me and sent us flying into the main island after a Marine denied us entry. I laughed before we landed. We took a stance and kept moving foward. We were surrounded by at least ten thousand people but I just smirked before charging and taking them down. Soon, I took down around five thousand additional people while Luffy had the same amount. It was honestly a good stress reliever.

Elsewhere- With CP9

Third P.O.V

The CP9 members walked into the room with Spandam welcoming everyone back but Kalifa immediately accused Spandam of sexual harassment because he called her name. They all kicked the large guy who was a CP9 with a zip for a mouth. He gave them accurate readings of their strengths with their rankings. One of the members called Jyabura was upset that he was now ranked third since Lucci and Kaku were stronger now before Spandam reassured them that they already achieved superhuman strength.

However, the CP9 member with a zip for a mouth spoke that Spandam had one of a less than average human being. After they all settled calmed down, they brought Franky and Robin in. Spandam immediately started with the insults calling them trash but the moment Spandam tried to insult Franky's teacher, Franky bit his head. Spandam had to be saved by two of the CP9 members. He took several moments to recollect himself before noticing a missing person.

"I thought you people captured the bonus! Do you know how badly the World Government wants him in any possible way?!"

"He got away" Kalifa stated.

"How?! He looks harmless, he-"

"He hurt me more than you ever could." Franky grinned

Spandam got infuriated since an extremely large bonus would have been given to him. He didn't care what the World Government wanted with a baker, he just wanted money and to be known as a hero. He received a call at that moment from the Den Den Mushi which he picked up. It was from one of the marines asking if they got (M/N). He hesitated before assuring that he hadn't but he would get the person. Franky rolled his eyes upon hearing his words. It's more likely that (M/N) would just casually beat his ass.

The CP9 members that knew trying to capture (M/N) would be a scary task. He wasn't strong but fast. The accumulation of the speed was what made his sword so deadly. His speed couldn't be stopped. Kalifa turned her head to Lucci. Even the best had trouble getting (M/N) down and that was because of the other long nosed pirate. Kaku closed his eyes as he listened to Spandam arguing with the people on the other side of the phone. Even if Kaku did catch (M/N), he would most likely let him go. He couldn't stand looking a free happy spirit up. Kaku wondered if Lucci would falter too because he would.

Kaku had fallen in love with someone who was a polar opposite. Kaku would always be tied down as long as he was apart of this organisation yet why did he yearn after someone who seemed to thrive in freedom, a pirate no less.


And too bad but Lucci did too.

Double Fuck.

A/N:Thanks for reading! I wonder what the World Government wanted with (M/N). Also next chapter is a long boy.

 Also next chapter is a long boy

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