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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

My fingers flipped to the next page of the newspaper which showed the new alliance with Apoo, Hawkins and Kid. Briefly, my eyes scanned the content of the newspaper before turning to Law who had pulled out a Den Den Mushi to call Doflamingo but Luffy took the Den Den Mushi from Law as I went to cuddle Momonosuke and Chopper since they wanted it. I'm not a mother but how could I resist such cute faces. Luffy began yelling into the Den Den Mushi to Doflamingo despite Usopp whacking Luffy to tell him to stop.

There were threats towards Doflamingo. Suddenly, Doflamingo brought up the fact he had something that Luffy wanted which Luffy thought was meat. Usopp freaked out that he was caught up in Doflamingo's pace as Law scolded Luffy. Putting the two down, I went over to the Den Den Mushi and yanked it away as Luffy whined until I offered to make sweets for him. He became excited for my sweets instead so he let me have the phone. Doflamingo asked if his business partner was safe. I held out the Den Den Mushi towards Joker who just woke up before I knocked him out with my Haki again.

"He's fine for now" I said.

"Good, it's good to meet you somewhat formally even though it's through a call. Tell me, how do you feel like becoming a king with me? You'd be playing the role of the woman in bed though." Doflamingo offered

"Rejected." I objected

"Fufu, why?" Doflamingo asked

"I'd rather you got to know me first. Also, I prefer freedom so please kindly fuck off." I rejected

"Fufufu, oh I really like you even more know. I know how about a date a-"

The Den Den Mushi was taken away from me by Law. He ordered Doflamingo to meet us in a day and eight hours from now at Green Bit, Southeast Beach of Dressrosa. My eyes closed as I hummed in agreement as Law hung up. Ceaser was just a decoy to get destroy the Smile Factory. Kinemon too wanted to go there because his friend Kanjuro was there. I found it slightly off about how Kanjuro assured Kinemon to save Momonosuke without hesitation but samurais were known to do things without hesitation so I let it slide.

Then, everyone decided to have lunch despite Law trying to inform us how unsafe it was to be thinking about fighting Kaido already. No one really acknowledged him so I laughed as I tapped his shoulder. He was slightly red in the face as I told Sanji not to include bread for Law since I knew he hated it. My hand laced with his as I began enhancing to relax him. I was thankful for my ability now. He grumbled before abruptly pulling away as he walked up the steps yet I didn't move from where I was standing. Instead, I looked off into the ocean with a look of content because I got caught up with how pretty the sea looked.

"Are you not coming (M/N)-ya?"

"Actually, no. I'll eat later, go on ahead. I'm just going to appreciate the view for a few more minutes."

"Why? Is it pretty to you?"

"It is"

There were no more further questions as Law went inside to eat while I went to the edge of the boat and took a deep breath in of the salty air. I have no idea why I was so drawn into the sea all of a sudden but something was mesmerising. Smiling, I brought out my sketchbook that I had filled earlier with ideas of items I could make. I began just drawing the waves despite how repetitive it was. Sighing, I worked in peace for a while before I felt something rest on my head. A plate of food.

"You should eat too (M/N), don't just get caught up in scenery all the time. You were just like this in Baratie."

"Oh yeah, I certainly was like that." I laughed.

"Man, the first week you arrived, you were such a dreamy idiot by just always looking out at night and drawing the same things over and over. I thought you were insane but so is everyone else at Baratie."

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