Dalgom cuddles (requested)

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After a very busy and tiring day in the studio, Jisoo was happy to finally be able to come home to you and be able to relax. It was still early in the evening, so she thought she'd find you curled up with a good movie on, maybe even waiting to give her all the cuddles she really wanted and needed.

But instead, as she walked inside, she found that it was dark and quiet. She turned on the lights but found that the room was empty, much like the other rooms downstairs. She called out for you but you didn't answer.

It was strange for everything to be so quiet when it's not all that late. It was also strange how her Dalgom wasn't racing down the stairs. Usually, he greets her at the door and runs around her feet, barking and wagging his tail excitedly as his favorite human walks through the door.

She climbed the stairs and continued to call out for you as she walked down the hall to your shared room. She was worried, at first, from how still everything seemed to be.

But when she reached the doorway of the bedroom, she was met with the precious sight of you and Dalgom curled up in bed, cuddling with each other as you both slept soundly.

She couldn't help but coo at the sight. Wanting to show off her loves to the girls and her friends, she snapped a few pictures of the sweet sight to show them in time. She tiptoed closer to you and Dalgom stirred but continued to sleep.

"My babies," she smiled and kissed the sweet animal's head, which made him awake. She ran her fingers through his soft fur and hushed him to make sure he didn't wake you. He simply put his head back down on you and fell back asleep.

Jisoo turned to you, her heart filling with so much love for you that it was indescribable. She ran her fingers through your hair and brushed back a few locks hanging in your face and tickling your skin with every exhale.

She tucked them behind your ear and leaned in to give you a loving kiss on your forehead, which made you open your eyes.


"Hey, baby," she grinned, staring at you with starry eyes.

"I'm happy you're finally home."

"Yeah? Me too." She said as she ran her fingers along your arm lightly. "Although, I am sad that I woke you and ruined your nap with Dalgom."

You chuckled tiredly as you stared at the pup, who was sleeping against you. He was just as happy and content as you, finding comfort in you.

"I think you're his favorite human now."

You laughed and pet him while watching him sleep.

"Cuddle with us?" You asked and placed your free hand over hers.

"How could I ever say no to that?" She wondered and quickly changed into something more comfortable before climbing under the covers with you. Dalgom lifted his head at the sudden dip of the mattress but you both pet him and he quickly fell back asleep once more.

"I love you both." She whispered as she stared at you, watching and loving how sweet you were to the sweet dog.

"You know we love you too."

She leaned in to give you a kiss but after her lips connected with yours, Dalgom lifted his head and barked, making her pull away. He put his head back down on you and slept again, making you both giggle happily.

"I think we should make this an everyday thing," you said as you brushed one hand through his fur, the other wrapped in Jisoo's. Your head was on her chest, your eyes slipping shut as you started to fall asleep again.

And all she could do was stare at you and admire how amazing you and her sweet little dog were.

"Sounds absolutely perfect to me."

Jisoo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now