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Reviewed by: mikrokosmostae
Book Title: Fire and Silk
Author's Name: lucidheavens


(This is an opinion of an individual, which may not coincide with the masses. The individual taste, thinking, and way of perception will definitely be different.)

Cover: 8/10

It's sweet and simple but it seems more like a collage to me. The title's colour could also be a bit darker.

Title: 10/10

A nice twist to your age-old line of Fire and Ice. I like this variation.

Blurb/Description: 8/10

It's a little long. You can totally do away with the last paragraph, which seems like an excerpt from your main book.

A very small suggestion – it's not advisable to keep saying your story is cliché, or whatever that is happening or will happen in a cliché. Doesn't create a good impression with the readers – let them decide whether it is a cliché or no. You constantly saying it will only downplay your story. Show your readers what makes your story different, not what makes it similar to hundreds of others out there.

Creativity and originality: 8/10

It is a little cliché – the whole bad boy 'I will ignore you stance' and the girl's 'I will only want this man' stance. What intrigued me was the back story of Rhyder, you have spent a decent amount describing his eyes (which I love btw), and I am waiting to read ahead.

Plot and Flow: 18/20

The plot by far is decent, nothing that is too surprising or dramatic. I love the tinge of humor and loads of sarcasm you present your plot with. Make the reading more enjoyable.

Character Development: 9/10

So far so good! The characters are still developing at their own pace, and I love their interactions. They are fun!! I am already in love with Scar, she is just like me – Badass and Strong.

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 8/10

The descriptions are your best part – especially whenever you describe Rhyder. The grammar is impeccable, with only a few typos and missing punctuations. Good narrations too! One suggestion, when a new person starts a dialogue, change paragraphs.

Genre relevance: 9/10

Romance, not yet. Teen fiction, yes. I am a sucker for these teen romances, bad boy – good girl.

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 10/10

A baby story, yet so intriguing

Overall: 88/100

Good first impression, even though a cliché story, I am waiting for the backstory! Keep going!


Please contact your reviewer if you have any questions! Thank you for working with us! We hope these comments will help you improve your story and give you a sense of achievement for writing such a wonderful story.



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